in Photography Lovers4 years ago (edited)

En cada pedaleo, una historia. 1.png


Desde muy pequeña en mi vida me acompañaron gatos, a mi mama le encantaban y de hecho nos enseño a respetar los animales.Aprendí que podemos comunicarnos sin articular palabras, dar amor sin recibirlo a camio. Recuerdo que sentía mucha curiosidad por el ronroneo, para quienes no lo conocen, es el sonido que hacen los gatos cuando estan felices o se sienten bien. Yo sin saber que era, le preguntaba a mi mama y ella me decía que era indicio de que estaban sanos y se sentían bien, duraba horas escuchando su sonido y eventualmente le tocándole la garganta con mi dedo pulgar para sentir la vibración y cuando sentía que dejaban de emitir ese sonido, los acariciaba para que volviera el ronroneo y entonces desde aquella vez, supe que estaban vibrando en amor y que eran felices.

Since I was very young in my life, cats accompanied me, my mother loved them and in fact she taught us to respect animals. I learned that we can communicate without saying words, give love without receiving it in return. I remember I was very curious about the purr, for those who do not know it, it is the sound that cats make when they are happy or feel good. Without knowing what it was, I asked my mother and she told me that it was an indication that they were healthy and felt good, I spent hours listening to its sound and eventually touching her throat with my thumb to feel the vibration and when she felt that They stopped making that sound, I stroked them to make the purr come back and then from that time on, I knew they were vibrating in love and that they were happy.













Existen infinidades de maneras de comprenderlos y estoy segura que ellos con solo acostarse o sentarse a nuestro lado podían saber con solo la energía y el olor que emanamos como nos sentimos. Con solo una mirada existe la comunicación y la comprensión, quizá hasta por telepatía que gracias a algunos libros que he leído, creo mas en esta realidad, quizá si estuviéramos mas conectados a lo que realmente somos capaces de hacer y lo poderosos que somos, (y nuestra glándula pineal estuviera mas despierta con ayuda de la meditación), podríamos comunicarnos uno al otro por telepatía. Por consiguiente, aprendí a amar la energía por lo que es. Son seres místicos, tienen personalidad, se acercan solo si les provoca, algunos dirán que son agresivos y ariscos pero todo depende de como te acerques, primero debes dejar que te conozcan, oler y sentir tu energía.

There are infinities of ways to understand them and I am sure that just by lying down or sitting next to us they could know with only the energy and the smell that we emanate how we feel. With just a glance there is communication and understanding, perhaps even by telepathy that thanks to some books that I have read, I believe more in this reality, perhaps if we were more connected to what we are really capable of doing and how powerful we are, ( and our pineal gland was more awake with the help of meditation), we could communicate with each other by telepathy. Consequently, I learned to love energy for what it is. They are mystical beings, they have personality, they only approach if it provokes them, some will say that they are aggressive and surly but it all depends on how you approach, first you must let them know you, smell and feel your energy.

Las recordare siempre y eternamente las amare, se que en algún punto del universo están sus almas volando y siendo libres ronroneando y vibrando en amor...

I will always remember them and I will love them eternally, I know that at some point in the universe their souls are flying and being free, purring and vibrating in love ...


Todas las fotos han sido fotografiadas por mi persona, con mi cámara digital kodak.

All the photos have been photographed by me, with my kodak digital camera.

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Hi there!
I see photography potential at you post. The community is running weekly photography contest and would love to see your entry there as well.
You should give it a try! Theme is - Animals so you have a lot of possibilities to play with you camera.
You can see all the details on the following link, and also make an entry there.

Hope to see your entry and wish you a great day!

Saludooos! Muchas gracias por esta informacion, lo tomare en cuenta .

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