Fotografiando araña tigre./ Photographing tiger spider.

Hola a todos los amigos de HIVE, el día De hoy les mostrare unas hermosas imágenes de un aracnido bastante fotográfico, se trata de la araña tigre (Argiope keyserlingi) este ejemplar estaba posando para la cámara con su hermoso color amarillo intenso, esperando en su tela de araña con una paciencia de relojero a que caiga su próxima presa, espero que les guste.

Hello to all the friends of HIVE, today I will show you some beautiful images of a quite photographic arachnid, it is the tiger spider (Argiope keyserlingi) this specimen was posing for the camera with its beautiful intense yellow color, waiting in its spider web with a watchmaker's patience for your next prey to fall, hope you like it.

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¿Soy yo o a esa araña le faltan patas 2 patas? :(

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This is a beautiful spider. I feel quite bad with it having lost some legs, hope it survives. Lovely photographs.