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RE: Seascape Photography: beaches from around the world - part 1

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

Did you just say you took these shots with an obsolete phone? And that it wouldn't be so good?
Tell me if this isn't good then what will be?
They are all awesome or did you edit most of them? You sure have some collections you know :)


Haha thank you for these kinds words but the quality of some of the photos is a far cry from what I would like to have :) But I am really happy to see such a positive feedback here so thank you again. Oh and yes, I do edit most of my photos ;) Just very basic editing though, I don´t even have the software for that.

Trust me they are good. If you see the quality of my old photos, you would shed tears for me😂

Ok, I trust you :D

Lol, yeah you really should.