About Delta-8 THC

in WeedCash Network3 years ago



If you have never heard of Delta-8, then this post is perfect for you. Learn everything that you need to know about this legal form of cannabis.


The Delta-8 THC high is more similar to the common cannabis high than most know. There are some differences though, find out what they are in this post.


Gummies and tinctures are both viable options for using Delta-8 THC, but I prefer one over the other. See why in this post.


Downvoted because almost $45 for 3 sentences & 3 links definitely falls under the "overrewarded" category IMHO.

What are you doing?

He getting fucked up that's what he's doing.

is this an article or a promotion of your old articles? Really bro!!!

This is a collection of some of my recent articles on Delta-8.
Collections are a new feature added to PeakD recently.

Here is a video showing how it works:


I love delta 8. Quite the game changer