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RE: Your risk of dying from cancer is 47% higher than COVID!

The common person's reaction to this situation shows a horrific mass hysteria fueled by ignorance of biology, statistics, history, and psychology. The world is filled with ignorant drones ready to be used as killing machines...facilitating the deaths of countless people to feel safe or maintain a certain image. We can only hope that as a silver lining of the cancellations of treatment id that it caused people to research alternative treatment like cannabis...ones that might actually save their life when chemo would not have...yep that's best case scenario for an individual.


I also think it's disturbing that cannabis treats/cures covid19, and cancer, but the state is using covid19 as an excuse to delay treatment to cancer patients! Just stop prohibiting cannabis, and stop hiding the truth (that it cures cancer and covid19), and all problems would be solved at once! (Which is why they would never allow it to happen!)