Yes I dubbed in Yakety Sax to this clip and I regret NOTHING!

in DTube4 years ago

Mr. Reagan twitter account shared the video and felt like it was missing something. Obviously, not advocating for police brutality but this asshole had at least a tazer and a beanbag to the nuts coming.

Ok ok not to the jewels that's just a joke. But seriously something other than the law enforcement officer becoming a comedic relief would have been preferable.

▶️ DTube

Maybe he had a legitimate beef, one shouldn't automatically back the cop, imo.
Cops are Satan.
As is anybody that rules by force.
'God' allows freedom.

Sure, I suppose there is possibly a context where the behavior could be made more understandable but I wouldn't go so far as to say it were justified.

Kind of like how people can understand that punching an asshole in the face would be understandable but in the end it's still assault.

Even as cynical I can be people and how prone they are to corruption especially those in positions of authority, I still like to believe there are good LEOs out there who are just trying to protect, serve and provide for their families like the rest of us.

I can see where you are coming from with the many abuses, overreach and power tripping that some have done which gives a bad rap for the rest, even the well intentioned.

It's kind of like being in downvote / moderation groups. All it takes is one dick to ruin it for the rest of us. Public perception is important.

HAHAHA! Funniest thing I've seen all day with the music added. Screw cops! They threaten violence against people everyday who haven't hurt anyone else, damaged or stolen anyone else's property or defrauded anyone else. I'll give this cop a little credit most of cowards with shiny badges would have shot the guy and claimed officer safety and received a paid vacation. Props to this statute enforcer for not doing that.

I feel ya. Unfortunately, human law and it's execution are but a dim reflection of actual justice. Still yet I am not sure we would want to live in society without the men and women that we charge to stand for it the best they can even within a woefully flawed legal system w/ a strong class bias. The affluenza teen comes to mind.

To put it lightly, the system is profoundly flawed but would judge it better than no system at all e.g. complete anarchy for in that case the evil of men would be completely unfettered. I don't think I am capable of protecting my little girls in a purge-like scenario of murder, looting and pillaging for example.

Don't get me wrong. I know how to throw down a bit but there will always be someone faster, stronger, and more powerful and, in reality, good does not always prevail immediately. If all else fails in our trying to defend, our lifeline could very well be that LEO tbh.

That's why we as a society are able to construct some kind of system to mitigate the harm to a degree where good sometimes prevails but often not. It's kind of like shoveling shit with a pitchfork. It's not the best tool for the job but hell! Better than nothing.

In like fashion, the system is broken but shit would be WAY worse if we didn't have any statutes and ppl willing to risk their hide to enforce them. Many laws are bullshit and think we can agree on at least that much.

Maybe pitchfork was too generous in the analogy. Maybe we should go with a spork. I blame incompetent and /or corrupt lawmakers more than anything.

Maybe those in charge of hiring to some extent as seems like way to many assholes are not properly weeded out before they are issued their badge and gun.

Video unavailable?

Edit: I can view it on desktop now.