Street Level Signs This Recession Is Ramping Up 💣 (My Personal Experience)

in DTube2 years ago

The everything bubble is here. This recession could be absolutely catastrophic as offers are being taken away, layoffs are ramping up, people are clinching up their spending, the gig economy apps are filling up, people are going homeless, the stock market is on the brink of absolute collapse with all these no earnings zombie companies about to flatline.

The thugs are running wild with homicides going up. People are desperate and becoming more and more mentally unstable as the days go on.

What you will see next is a wave of foreclosures and vacancies ramp up and people falling back to live with family for awhile.

Then huge fortune 500 companies filing for bankruptcy and laying of tens of thousands of employees. It will be a cascade of events and there is no real way to stop it to be honest because once people start clinching their spending up it trickles to every place in the economy. People start stretching out haircuts longer, driving less, not going out to eat, not buying new clothes, canceling trips, etc. It creates a domino effect and suddenly everyone is hurting for money.

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It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.

The problem is, the writings been on the wall for a long time.
The time to sell your house and get out of the homeless camp that is becoming your front yard (literally, just passed in Cali) was two months ago.

But no, two months ago, people were competing to by suburban properties.

House prices are going to go to zero
and food prices are going to go to, "how much do you got?"

But also, we will see, as govern-cement control breaks down, that people start providing their own electricity.

Someone has built the solar array that i put up on STEEM when i first started, as a personal thing.
People are becoming truly self sufficient.

And we will see so much home grown manufacturing.
Like what people imagine you can get from 3D printers (but not from 3D printers)

The premise of this solar equipment and living off the land and being truly self sufficient is pretty cool for sure.

Did you see that they supposedly have found a bunch of Lithium in the Salton Sea? It's a fairly interesting premise and I guess if they are able to build the processing plants to harvest it then supposedly it could be enough Lithium to supply the entire United States with our Lithium Ion battery needs.

It could be overstated but that would be pretty interesting.

I find the story of the Salton Sea very interesting.