Can We Guide This Movement Towards Discussion? - D00k13 Digest

in DTube4 years ago (edited)

Whatup my Peeps, welcome to the @D00k13 Digest!!! After taking a little time to collect my thoughts on the subject of, What is Wrong with Society? In this video I discuss how I see the leaderless #blacklivesmatter movement. The issues faced and solutions as I see them. How when you boil it all down the problem is systemic but I view the racial situation as a historical echo. I discuss how I see it more as a demographic problem reinforced by policy then that of actual racism. Lastly I implore discussion towards the underlying problem as this movement in its current state only hurts any potential message it has by rejecting discussion and attacking any of its own power structures. What does "guilty by public domain" really mean for the systems we have in place? I speculate it to be a similar outcome as a witch hunt relating how in currently climates getting a fair trial for someone that is guilty in the public domain is highly unlikely due to fear of riots, that in itself is the downfall of society IMO....

Can we lead this movement towards discussion?

▶️ DTube

I wouldn't say that this is a racial problem at all... As you said, most of the people aren't racist at all...

I would say that the problem is unfortunately much bigger, and topics like racism, nationalism, fascism, are usually pulled out to "keep the circus going"... to blind us from "bigger issues"... yesterday it was covid, today BLM, tomorrow who knows what...

And I do understand you, about moving from your hometown... I have left my home country because of similar issues, but unfortunately, we can't escape from some things... we are getting lured into "global problems"... and again... I would say that the reason isn't racism, or viruses, or whatever else...

We need people to start thinking, to start using their brain, and stop listening to crazy m*fs that spread fear and evil messages... When we accomplish that, we will be much closer to the "solution"...

Thanks for an awesome video, and we have to start discussions... as they move our brain cells :)

Sounds like you are familiar with the IDW 😉 keep raising the hard questions my friend 👍

Thank you for stopping in ❤️

I had to search that to find what is it about... lol... That much about my IDW "envolvement"...

On the other side, we all will be part of that sooner or later... lol...

Many of the great thinkers of our time are part of the concept, above all else rational discussion is key!