
I got my jabs but I respect the opinion of others. We dont know what may happen longer term. Just we are knee deep in the virus here and if I get it, there is a decent chance Im done for.

How’s ur weekend going bud?

I respect ya also 🤟

My getting a lil fired up isn’t really a vaccine general opinion. It’s about the fact all the companies (3 in USA available) destroyed there placebo control group. It’s never happened b4 and it’s scary AF how anti science it is. After only 6 months or so. That’s my main issue, plus the vaccine passport is obviously a huge blow to freedom but that’s about the caste system it will set up. Not so much the vaccine itself

You DO know you have the wrong orientation on the camera, right? It makes it hard to concentrate on the words! They are sideways! ;))

I didn’t.
It’s something with dtube. I’ll double check glint forward. But weird cause it appears the correct way when uploading 🤔

How’s ur weekend going?

That is pretty weird. You should ask someone about that. The weekend? Pretty busy, but, that is fine. I can rest when I die. ;)