"LA CORRESPONDENCIA ESCRITA" Exposición para la asignatura Inglés by @luisfe

in DTube3 years ago (edited)


Hola, para esta evaluación de inglés, parte de mi formación en la carrera de Ingeniería en Informática, cuyo segundo semestre curso en la Universidad Experimental Ròmulo Gallegos (UNERG) en S. Juan de Los Morros, estado Guárico, Venezuela, me correspondió hacer una investigación acerca de la correspondencia escrita:


  • Reciprocal Treatment
  • Exchange of letters, cards, telegrams, etc
  • It the lifeblood of commerce and industry
    In general, the notion of correspondence is used to name the exchange of printed letters, which are carried in an envelope.


  • By Destination: Public and Private
  • By Content: First class and Second class
  • By Puntuaction: Open, Closed and Mixed.
  • By Extension: Long, Medium and Short
  • By Processing: Postal, Ordinary, Certified and Telegraphic
  • By Shape: It covers all types of correspondence, its difference is in writing and presentation

It is an important instrument of written communication, it is the intermediate part between customer-supplier relationships

  • Great communication tool
  • It is the bond that binds most commercial transactions
  • The development of commercial operations depends on it


  • Its history began, from ancient times
  • During the Renaissance its use as a means of communication spread and the printing press developed.
    The mail, the privilege of kings, spread to all social classes, becoming popular as a reliable correspondence service. In recent times, as a result of globalization, a number of courier and parcel companies have developed around the world.

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