
Good Stuff, well played!
And Your right, the G&L's have a "Richer Sound".
I recognized them right away, "cutaway giveaway"!
He he he!.very beautifu guitarsl 🎸
You must have invested half of every check in hardware, considering the amount You have!

Have an Awesome Tuesday!

The weird headstock is the dead giveaway for G&L guitars. I used to do alot of side work for guitar money back in the day plus I used to maintain a website for a guitar shop and would get serious discounts on guitars there too lol.

I see it!
You have a Very Impressive collection, I truly wish it was mine!

Like it cowboy style!)

Yeah I gotta do a full on country style jam one day.

Very good work of improvisation with the sounds of the guitar taking advantage of the contribution and the effects of the technology. Thanks, @sketch.and.jam.


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Thanks a lot :-)

Cool tune and a creative video. I may do a quick one this evening.

I'm no purist and my Tele is not a Fender anyway. I'm not even sure what defines a Tele. You could say the body shape, but then there's this. I quite fancy one actually.


Haha I would say maybe the pickup and bridge define that parker as a tele lol. They are really nice light guitars but really expensive for some reason.