Lost and Found: The Promotional Video for the Theater on the Beach

in DTube3 years ago (edited)

I'm back again in Mazunte, where over the past few years I have been more and more involved with a theater group who are just as enthusiastic about natural building. This year we'll be finishing the roof of the storage building we started last year.

On my arrival I was greeted with some good news: the re-discovery of the promotional video for the main theater building! Its story is a rather typical one: The building was designed by a talented architect, who's also a good friend of ours from the Earthship Academy, I mentioned here. She did it as her final project together with Mike Reynolds, so it even bears the official Earthship Biotechture label. Unfortunately, my friends' limited funds were not enough to organize the main build right away. Instead, they hired a professional designer to make a highly impressive video, intended for the crowdfunding campaign, somewhere down the road... and subsequently lost it!!!

The designer created a special YouTube link which could not be searched, only accessed if you knew it. We shared it with each other, but eventually (last year) we reached a point where no one could remember the link, nor had it saved anywhere... until now.

Reason enough to download and save it as a file on my drive, and more importantly, share it on the blockchain. So here it is, the building we hope to create in the foreseeable future, corresponding with this post.

Too Many Mazunte Posts? Here's a Complete List:

Mazunte Build 2018:
Terraces on the Oaxacan Coast - Preparing for the Adventure
The Bus Came By And I Got On
Working on Getting Work Started
A Theater on the Beach - Revisited
Progress in Bahia de la Luna
Itínera, the People Building the Mazunte Theater
The Beginning of a Retaining Wall
Tire Pounding for Beginners
Life on the Mountain
The Place I'm in: Arroyo Cruz, Bahia de la Luna, La Boquilla
Building the Wall - Tire Pounding for Advanced
Meanwhile Back at the Ranch
Next Year’s Construction? - The World’s First Fully Self-Sustaining Theater

Mazunte Build 2020:
Creating Conditions to Work and Live
The Challenge of Scoring Tires
Working at Night for the Perfect Level
Bending Rebar Like a Mexican
An Impression of Hyperadobe in La Boquilla
Waiting for the Man
The Diverse Cars at Itínera
Hay Pase, Got the Permit!
The Ceremony of a Minka
Zome Building Workshop in Mazunte
Machines Taking Over Work - The Day Everything Changed
Earthship Build in the Time of Hive and Coronavirus
Concrete Plans and Concrete Actions
Starting The Long Finish
The Circle is Complete, We're Pouring Tomorrow
Pouring the Bond Beam
Visual Concrete Pour by @redhawkrising
Talking About Logs
Moving Logs Around in Practice
A View From a Bird’s Eye
A House in La Boquilla - The Other Building Project

▶️ DTube

Na és ez a telep ténleg létezik?

Létezni létezik, csak éppen nem ez az. :-) A sok természet az épület körül nem pontosan úgy néz ki. Van itt egy falu is! Szerencsére nem túl nagy, turistákkal együtt nincs ezer fő.

Tő jo! Mind a paradicsom! Biztos is csajok is vannak!

Ja, mondhattam volna: ebben a klipben látható hogy néz ki a környék tényleg, mégpedig föntről magasból. Ha még nem láttad, nagyon javaslom.

Sajnos nem lehet látni semmit, mert unsupported.

Na most próbáld megnézni. Szerintem éppen akkor települtek át máshova. Én sem tudtam megnyitni, de most már működik.

ja tök jo, szoval az oszlopokat becsavartatok müanyagal? A rohadas ellen? Szerinted belülröl nem rohad?

En oljant nem csinaltam, csak befestettem lenolajal.

A csaj is jol nez ki föntröl, biztos alulrol meg jobben nezne ki!

Nem csavartuk be őket, csak fölűröl fedtük le őket, hogy az eső ne érje annyira, de lentről szelőzhessen. Persze, befesteni kell, de tavaly még zöldek voltak a gerendák, kellett hogy száradjanak. A festést csak most csináljuk, de itt a lenolaj nem tartana sokáig. Az itteni éghajlathoz kémia kell... sajnos.

Lenolaj mindenhol kaphato, es az a legjobb!

Dear @stortebeker

That great feeling you must have feel been back again in Mazunte will certainly be a great one

Yours, Piotr

Hahahaha, you don't know how right you are! And that's true in spite of the sunburn, the mosquito bites, and the slight hangover, that's the part of the experience every time I return.