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RE: Blur Interpretation

My wife is going in for her second eye cornea replacement. She is enjoying being able to see clearly out of one eye and looking forward to the other eye being done. Is cornea replacement not an option for your eyes? I've know a few people that had the Lasik surgery one was real happy but one was not since his eye sight returned to what it was before the surgery after about a year.

I honestly do not think it makes a difference on what you tell your healthcare provider about using your information, they are going to do it anyway and there is no method available to find out if they are selling or giving your information away.


How hard is the surgery?

Is cornea replacement not an option for your eyes

It is an option at some point, but I am not sure what conditions need to be met here for that yet. It is a next step to find out.

sight returned to what it was before the surgery after about a year.

They might have to do this thing to "blast" it again, as it can get this build up in it. A friend of ours just had it done - about a ten minute job.

And yes, I agree to a great extent that they will "use it as they choose" anyway. Laws will also change to make it available, regardless.