Simple Creativity: Hauling

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today was one of the more special days with our son and his ability to have fun in lots of ways.


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So if you’ve been to my posts about our son you’ll probably know that he’s really good at having fun in whatever way he can figure out. That often comes with some unique ways and this is definitely one of them!

We are often getting packages delivered and it’s like Christmas morning all the time for him. He’s always interested in what’s in the package regardless of how big or small it is. This one was no different! We got about an hour of entertainment out of opening this box of simple vegetable juice lol.

With some of the things we have been doing to stay healthy, we are trying to drink some more vegetable juice. It’s not ideal but it’s better than drinking stuff like orange juice and that so we take the steps we can. This is one of them so we bought a few cases of it lol. It was a perfect opportunity for the little man to help and have fun help put them away.

It started out just hauling them over from the box to the kitchen so I could put them away. He was surprisingly good at stacking them in the dump truck without letting them fall over lol.


We also got some lower sodium ones so we wanted to put those away as well. Thankfully we had the delivery foreman on the job with us! He kept us in line; even beeping when he was backing up to the cabinet.


It was a little iffy if the back of the truck was strong enough of a piston to pick up such a heavy load! Luckily we had the top of the line worker on our hands.


Perfect form! Right into the correct spot where we needed it.


Then it came time to build a bridge. The ground was a little iffy in some places so we had to make quick work getting a bridge together since the cargo was precious! No one wants a dented v8 juice can around these parts!


Another successful delivery to the storage facility. Job well done folks, let’s go to the truck wash!


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 3 years ago  

Haulin' the V8 Juice! Nice work E-dog! I love that stuff, although I buy the salt-reduced version only...The regular is legit thought right? We don't get those ring-pull cans though, not as far as I know. We have 1.5L bottles (plastic) and also 300ml or so, screw-top.

 3 years ago  

Yeah I think we usually try to get the reduced sodium ones but then they get you with the potassium. Either way it's better than soda or juice! That dump truck has been one of the Best Buy's we have gotten. He can even ride on the thing a little bit lol.

There's a lot of bottles here but the aluminum cans are pretty popular still. A lot of the drinks come with the ring top but I don't like them for the damage they do. For a while I was cutting the rings in case they ended up in the ocean, helps prevent the fish from getting stuck in them.

 3 years ago  

Cans, bottles, plastic...It makes little difference I guess, it all does damage to the environment.

I just got done with the WE33 topic post...I'll get it up and live in about five hours. I hope to see you around. An easy topic for this week.

 3 years ago  

I was just thinking I need to check it out tomorrow! E will be with my wife for a few hours so I’ll get some quiet time, I’ve had him with me working for the last 2 weeks it’s been fun lol. Lots of daddy spoils without the mama bear around!

 3 years ago  

Lol, when the cat is away, the mice will play huh? The WE33 topic will be around all weekend so no worries. ✅

Cute! Make 'em work young, that's the way! And an inventive way to do it.

For some reason, I started thinking about packaging, and hope you get a laugh out of this:

That's just part 1.

 3 years ago  

That's so cute & that's a lot of canned V8!

This is so so amazing! I miss having littles around, so so much! Cudos to you for soaking in the small fun moments he is presenting to yall! Capture every minute, before you know it they graduate and then all the sudden are 19 in a really does go way too fast!! Love this post!!

 3 years ago  

Ah thanks for checking this one out! It does indeed go by too fast. It seems like a month ago he was still in diapers now he's his own nearly fully functioning person! One thing that was a little sad was when he started to go into the fridge or the counters and get whatever food and things to drink he wanted. He even uses the water dispenser in the fridge to fill up a cup! Really good because he's becoming independent but it's also sad lol I will let him get to 19 as slow as we can!