Drunkenness That comes From Having power// A message to buildawhale

Sometimes when people reach certain height, they look at those below them as nothing or probably weaklings. It happens everywhere, in the government, at our workplace, and even on Hive. They forget the fact that they are in that position to stand for what's right but rather they allow their power to intoxicate them until they're drunk and can't tell what's right from what's wrong.

I logged into hive this evening to see multiple downvotes from @buildawhale. I don't know what those downvotes were for, the fact that he wanted to show he has power, or just a natural dislike for a user. If there were any genuine reasons for those downvotes, why couldn't he state it and I do admit or argue on what's provided as a fact. I hate autocracy.


Photo source

Hive came with the promising "decentralized" preaching. I wouldn't deny the fact that we've enjoyed that for a couple of months, but what Hive is turning into may just be another centralization in a grant style where whales wake up one day and downvote whoever he feels he dislikes or assume is doing the wrong thing.

I call on @buildawhale, please, tell me what you found on those posts to have received multiple downvotes from you or it's another way of flaunting your power?- I may understand the latter. Bravo for being a whale, but learn to control your power.

 2 years ago  

Typically, this isn't the way to solve the grievance. There could always be a change in that but this hasn't worked well for others in the past.

I can't reach him, I don't even have a server I can communicate with him. Decided to pour our my grievance here and whatever happens happen. I had high hope for the pending payout which had being liquidated

 2 years ago  

Typically some of the down votes happen from tagging a post improperly, in my experience. Have you checked to see if there were tags you were using that are similar between all the posts?

Pob--- Is a general tag.
Neoxian- is a general tag.

That's the two I know of. And he should have atleast mentioned the reason for the downvotes and not remain silent

 2 years ago  

I would wager that it was the POB tag.

Thanks for your concern. I await his reply- that's if he will.

 2 years ago (edited) 

I doubt they will respond, I'm not completely sure who owns the account but I suspect it's just a voting account. I would ask in some of the discord servers to see who knows who owns it.

Was it your post he downvoted?

Yes, Five posts with high earnings.

Wow. Could it be a tag?

He does that for the fun of it. He should enjoy it while it last

Wow. Okay.