I don't know how to put on makeup... should I? / No sé maquillarme... ¿debería? 😅❤️

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

I don't know how to put on makeup, that's very clear. And it is not because I do not want to learn, it is simply that I find everything so difficult that I already accepted that this is not for me. I enjoy watching other people put on makeup and create great works of art on their faces and I just say 'wow'. And then there is me who can barely paint my lips decently (and I'm not even so sure about this 😅).

No sé maquillarme, eso está muy claro. Y no es porque no quiera aprender, simplemente es que encuentro todo tan difícil que ya acepté que esto no es para mí. Disfruto ver a otras personas maquillarse y crear grandes obras de arte en sus rostros y simplemente digo 'wow'. Y luego estoy yo que apenas sé pintarme los labios decentemente (y ni siquiera estoy tan segura de esto 😅).


I think I do my makeup in the same way from the first time I did it when I was 14 years old. One day I painted my eyes and went to school like that (at 7 AM). I knew this was against school rules but I did it anyway. I remember that a colleague complimented me on this and since then I spent at least 8 years uninterrupted putting on my eye makeup every day 😂.

Creo que me maquillo de la misma forma desde la primera vez que lo hice a mis 14 años. Un día me pinté los ojos y fui así a la escuela (a las 7 AM). Sabía que esto iba contra las reglas del colegio pero igual lo hice. Recuerdo que un compañero me hizo un cumplido sobre esto y desde entonces pasé por lo menos 8 años ininterrumpidos de maquillarme los ojos todos los días 😂.


However, I never tried to put on makeup in another way: I am a very simple person in this sense and I think I have kept my style since adolescence. When I put on a little more makeup than usual, my face looks weird and that's why I always stay out of it. Even on special occasions I stay in the mold: a little because of discomfort and a little because I don't know how to do my makeup in a more elegant way 😂.

Sin embargo, nunca intenté maquillarme de otra forma: soy una persona muy sencilla en este sentido y creo que mantengo mi estilo desde la adolescencia. Cuando me pongo un poco más de maquillaje de lo normal mi rostro se me hace raro y por eso siempre me mantengo al margen. Incluso en ocasiones especiales me quedo en el molde: un poco por incomodidades y otro poco porque no sé como maquillarme de una manera más elegante 😂.


Anyway, this does not mean that I do not like to play make-up indoors. Today I was watching a makeup tutorial and it made me want to give it a try (spoiler alert: failed). All those shades and colors intimidate me: surely the combinations are infinite, but in this my imagination is null. This is definitely not my thing, leave me with my fabrics and my sewing machine where I feel most confident 😂.

De todos modos esto no significa que no me guste jugar a maquillarme de puertas adentro. Hoy estaba viendo un tutorial de maquillaje y me dieron ganas de intentarlo (spoiler alert: fallé). Todas esas sombras y colores me intimidan: seguramente las combinaciones son infinitas, pero en esto mi imaginación es nula. Definitivamente esto no es lo mío, dejenme con mis telas y mi máquina de coser donde me siento más confiada 😂.


After playing with all of this, this was my bottom line. I would never go out like that in a non-ironic way (unless I have a few drinks on me). Even the hairstyle is kind of weird but I kind of liked it. It's good to get out of the comfort zone, but I don't know if in such an abrupt way. My daily hairstyle is 'no-hairstyle': loose hair and that's it. I don't know what people would think if they saw me like this, would this look seem exaggerated? 😂

Después de jugar con todo esto, este fue mi resultado final. Nunca saldría así a la calle de manera no irónica (a menos que tenga algunas copas encima). Incluso el peinado es algo extraño pero un poco me gustó. Esta bueno salir de la zona de confort, pero no sé si de una manera tan abrupta. Mi peinado diario es 'sin-peinado': pelo suelto y ya. No sé que pensaría la gente si me viera así, ¿les parecería exagerado este look? 😂


I don't deny that I had fun doing this. My sister even gave me some makeup tips that I tried without success. I can only keep watching the wonderful tutorials they share here: each with their own. In the meantime I continue to settle for putting on lip makeup without going off the edges 😂.

No niego que me divertí haciendo esto. Incluso mi hermana me dió algunos tips de maquillaje que intenté sin éxito. Solo me queda seguir viendo los maravillosos tutoriales que comparten aquí: cada uno con lo suyo. Mientras tanto me sigo conformando con maquillarme los labios sin salirme de los bordes 😂.

Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading ❤️.
¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer ❤️.


With love. / Con amor.
Lau 💕.

(All the images were taken by me. / Todas las imágenes las tomé yo).

 3 years ago  

The make up world that I know today is 10000% different from what I used to know. It's more creative, more advanced, more tools. I can't keep up. I know how to do make up naturally but if that involves face painting and glitters, I don't know enough about it. You did a pretty good job as someone who said you don't know how to put on one.

 3 years ago  

Thanks! In fact the only technique I learned is to put three shadow colors on the eyelid: a bright one near the tear, an intermediate one and finally a dark one at the end of the eye. I like this effect. But then all that different-hued foundation, wacky liner, or false lash stuff, oh my, I have no idea 😂.

You are naturally beautiful, without the make up

 3 years ago  

Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️😃😃😃

 3 years ago  

The make up world that I know today is 10000% different from what I used to know. It's more creative, more advanced, more tools. I can't keep up. I know how to do make up naturally but if that involves face painting and glitters, I don't know enough about it. You did a pretty good job as someone who said you don't know how to put on one.

 3 years ago  

It's always changing and seemingly getting more of a layer of cake than it is to accent someone's features. Not good I think!

 3 years ago  

Absolutely! There is no way that in real life it is not evident that you have a large layer of makeup on top 😂.

 3 years ago  

My wife doesn't wear make up much and none of the women I have dated in my life did. I am not a fan of the stuff! It's best to know what she looks like instead of what a pound of makeup does. You don't want to wake up and have her look like a totally different person!

 3 years ago  

Now I got into the habit of removing my make-up before going to sleep, but for a long time I woke up like a panda bear all around the black eye 😂😂.

 3 years ago  

I dislike makeup! It hides the natural beauty of women I think. If you tend to wear it every day then your skin breaks down and eventually you have to wear make up just to keep your skin a certain way. I don’t mind the little glitter under your eye though, that looks cool haha.

 3 years ago  

It's true! Also, wearing makeup every day makes people get used to seeing you with it, so when you don't wear it they find you different. Before I used makeup every day and suddenly I stopped doing it: my friends had to get used to my face clean of makeup.