Time to upgrade and get a new phone. / Hora de actualizarse y conseguir un nuevo teléfono. 😀❤️

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

Well, I must admit that although I consider myself a person who only wants to have what is just and necessary, there are some things that I find difficult to let go even if I'm aware that their useful life has ended. This happens to me with some clothes that I'm very fond of and mainly, with my cell phones. It has been like this since I was 13 years old and received my first phone. I have a hard time letting them go.

Bien, debo admitir que aunque me considero una persona que solo quiere tener lo justo y necesario, hay algunas cosas que me cuesta soltar aunque sea consciente de que su vida útil ha finalizado. Me pasa esto con algunas prendas de ropa a las que le tengo mucho cariño y principalmente, con mi teléfono celular. Ha sido así desde que tengo 13 años y recibí mi primer teléfono. Es que me cuesta dejarlos ir.

Time to get a new cell phone ... Hora de conseguir un nuevo teléfono celular....jpg

And I'm a very careful person and only a few of the phones that I had have broken, or at least I haven't broken them. I always take good care of them, then their lifespan is long. In total I think I have had about 5 cell phones in my life, each renewed by the biggest limitation of these times of technology: storage space.

Y es que soy una persona muy cuidadosa y solo algunos de los teléfonos que tuve se han roto, o por lo menos no los he roto yo. Siempre los cuido bien, entonces su vida útil es duradera. En total creo que habré tenido unos 5 celulares en toda mi vida, cada uno renovado por el mayor limitante de estos tiempos de tecnología: el espacio de almacenamiento.


And it seems that every time phones come prepared to last less: now they are so fragile and their storage spaces are always short by the number of apps that you have to download for everything. Do you want to buy something? An app. Do you want to know what time the train is coming? An app. Do you want to circulate in your own city? AN APP. Basically now there are apps for everything. And people like me, who have an old cell phone for 6 years, are left out of all that. Even in restaurants you need a modern cell phone, since the menu has to be scanned with a QR code, WTF? 😂

Y es que pareciera que cada vez los teléfonos vienen preparados para durar menos: ahora son tan frágiles y sus espacios de almacenamiento siempre quedan cortos por la cantidad de apps que hay que bajar para todo. ¿Querés comprar algo? Una app. ¿Querés saber a que hora viene el tren? Una app. ¿Querés circular por tu propia ciudad? UNA APP. Básicamente ahora hay apps para todo. Y las personas como yo, que tenemos un celular de hace 6 años nos quedamos afuera de todo eso. Incluso en los restaurantes necesitas un celular moderno, ya que el menú hay que escanearlo con un código QR, WTF? 😂


For a long time I managed to live without all those apps since my phone has a memory of only 8GB that perhaps in 2015 was revolutionary but now it is practically obsolete and I hardly have space to download WhatsApp and Instagram. Anyway, I have two important points for which I consider that my cell phone must be renewed urgently: battery and photos.

Hace rato me las arreglo para vivir sin todas esas apps ya que mi teléfono tiene una memoria de apenas 8GB que quizás en el 2015 era revolucionario pero ahora prácticamente es obsoleto y apenas tengo espacio para descargar Whatsapp e Instagram. De todos modos, tengo dos puntos importantes por los que considero que mi celular debe ser renovado de manera urgente: batería y fotos.


This phone's battery lasts for just a few hours and then it takes a lot to turn it on again. My friends know about this: when I stop responding for a few hours, this must have happened to me. And every time the cell phone is turned off, I remember that it is time to get a new one.

Having a low battery phone brings me problems in terms of my work as a content creator: many times it happened to me that when I'm sewing something interesting, my cell phone is turned off and I can't take photos for a post. This really makes me angry.

On the other hand, the quality of the photos on my phones was not something that I have worried about, until now. Seeing so many talented authors taking amazing photos here at Hive makes me want to have a camera that takes prettier photos.

La batería de este teléfono dura apenas unas horas y luego cuesta un montón que vuelva a prenderse. Mis amigos saben de esto: cuando dejo de responder por algunas horas, seguro me pasó esto. Y cada vez que se apaga el celular, recuerdo que ya es tiempo de conseguir uno nuevo.

Tener un teléfono con poca batería me trae problemas en cuanto a mi trabajo de creadora de contenido: muchas veces me pasó que cuando estoy cosiendo algo interesante, mi celular está apagado y no puedo tomar fotos para un post. Esto realmente me da rabia.

Por otro lado, la calidad de las fotos de mis teléfonos no era algo que me haya preocupado, hasta ahora. Ver aquí en Hive tantos autores talentosos que sacan fotos increíbles me dan ganas de tener una cámara que saque fotos más lindas.


That is why I have been saving for a long time to buy a new one. I almost have the money, but now my sewing machine broke and I will have to take out part of my savings to pay for the repair, I cannot be without my machine. However, I have ANOTHER problem: current phones are very large and I'm used to my small pocket phone. But hey, I guess part of evolving is accepting that things change a bit. When I get a better cell phone, I'll tell you about my experience with it 🙂.

Es por eso que hace tiempo vengo ahorrando para comprar uno nuevo. Ya casi tengo el dinero, pero ahora se me rompió la máquina de coser y tendré que sacar parte mi ahorro para pagar el arreglo, no puedo estar sin máquina. Sin embargo, tengo OTRO problema: los teléfonos actuales son muy grandes y yo estoy acostumbrada a mi pequeño teléfono de bolsillo. Pero bueno, supongo que parte de evolucionar es aceptar que las cosas cambian un poco. Cuando consiga un mejor celular, les contaré sobre mi experiencia con él🙂.

Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading ❤️.
¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer ❤️.


With love. / Con amor.
Lau 💕.

(All the images were taken by me. / Todas las imágenes las tomé yo).


Así es mi amiga Dios permita y Hive logre esa meta. Un abrazo

 3 years ago  

¡Gracias ❤️! Hive me está ayudando mucho 😃.

Claro que si para adelante y más nada

 3 years ago  

Yeah I hear you! My phones have lasted me for about 5 years each roughly before I replace them. I don’t like the different things that these phones are doing and 5G is an awful thing so I’m not looking forward to when they stop selling 3 or 4G phones.

The millions of apps are annoying to have and use, I’m glad none of the places I’ve been to have asked you to scan a QR code to see their menu lol that would be brutal!

With battery and storage, I’ve had the struggles for sure. We replaced my phone a few years ago but my old phone was the iPhone 5 which had 8g storage like yours. This newer one, the 7, has 32g of storage and it’s great lol but it’s filling up lately!

 3 years ago  

New phones are so big, horrible. But the one I currently have won't let me take a picture in peace before saying that it runs out of storage space. It's really annoying, it do it on purpose because it already want to retire 😂.

 3 years ago  

Same page, I dislike newer phone models😄 I like something small that could fit my jeans' pocket and memory issues is a thing too. It's annoying which is why I still use my cracked ones despite having a newer one.

 3 years ago  

Hahahaha exactly! I like to use small bags where fit my small cell phone, keys and that's all. Now with these huge phones it's hard to do that, I'm going to have to wear a backpack 😂.

 3 years ago  

hahaha true! now I have to carry an extra bag for it, just for this gigantic mobile phone. I imagine in the future, we're going to have bigger phone, more camera lenses too haha