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RE: The Little Dino that did not inspire Hypersensitivosaurus

The tiny skinkosaurus is so cute! XD

I can imagine Nukey saying that in a really heavy accent but I have no idea if the head voice I have for him is even within the realm of accurate XD

Good luck with the charger and all :)

 3 years ago  

The tiny skinkosaurus is so cute! XD

I read stinkosaurus, at first :<)

I have heard @inuke ‘s voice plenty of times and am by now so used to his accent that I don’t hear it any longer. The first time I heard him talking I thought he was impersonating a stereotype Indian guy ( whatever that is ) as he’s kind of an actor / joker too.

Actually, I do it sometimes when trying to be funny.
Now imagine this.
"Helllloooo.. Itt iij shoooo nicsh tto meett you..."
And the head bobbing is true..

 3 years ago  


I simultaneously can't read that very well and can hear it perfectly well XD

Sometimes there's reasons for stereotypes XD

 3 years ago  

The head voice I have for most people is probably not at all what they sound like hahaha.

That's commonly the case though right XD

 3 years ago  

Hahaha! Gotta love our brains, at times!