The World influencing the Church!!! - I thought it should be the other way round!

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago (edited)

Hello Hive


So three days ago while surfing through WhatsApp status of my contact, I saw a video of a Popular Nigerian Gospel musician ministering a Cover of a Secular song on the Altar and the congregation viping to it🙄, on the Altar!!! Really, who those that!🤷

I've had enough of how Nigerian Gospel musician manipulate secular songs to gospel with the hope to pull the attention of the youth towards the Church, almost every single secular as been edited to suit the taste of the church.

I see such song more as a cover of the main song or a tool to gain attention/fame,more financial income than what they picture it to be.

Peru para!!!

I understand the need to keep up with latest trend to capture the attention of the youth in this generation, but the rate at which the world influences the church is equivocal, I thought it should be the other way round (church influencing the community). Yea we've adopted rap, jazz, pop n co and it's cool, but imitating a secular song to the point where the deaf can tell the similarities is the height of it.

It remembered me of my pastor back then in school, In blessed memory of Pastor Treasure Tawari, He would have chase them out of the church mid-minstration, I remember how he chase out our keyboardist who happen to be my cousemate then, for playing a secular tune during choir ministration.
I really hope this stop, and I hope we set the line and make the difference in our place of worship.

Thanks for your time, I look forward to you sharing your experience on such situation in the comment section and how to best deal with it in.


Hmmmm, still thinking about this, its a common reality these days.

 2 years ago  

Pretty crazy that people will try to just jump on a bandwagon in order to just do it. I think that's sadly common nowadays.