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RE: Looking for Christmas with Market Friday

in Market Fridaylast year

My wife and I were out driving the other day with a couple of our friends kids that we babysit from time to time. We took them out to pick out their Christmas presents from us and then to dinner. On the way home I decided to swing them by this house that I knew had a lot of Christmas lights out front. The older girl said "It looks like Christmas threw up on their lawn". I just had to laugh. That is what I think of when I see the pictures from the inside of this store. Not in a bad way or anything, just in a kind of oddly accurate way. I already did a post for today, but I am hoping to do a Market Friday post too. I took some good snaps from a local vendor earlier in the week.


If you don't get them in tonight, post it tomorrow (you didn't hear that here!) or wait until next week. I put my extra pics in a folder for when I am hard up. I am pretty easy as it is not a contest, so nothing is gained or lost.

I love that expression and it does remind me exactly of a store like this! LOL So accurate, it is funny! :)

I wish you could see the effort they put forth so that it looks this way! I want to thank you for being such a great supporter!

#MarketFriday loves you!

I can only imagine how much time it takes. We are probably kind of spoiled where I live since we have Bronners right down the road. We still have a lot of local nurseries that go all out with their staging of holiday decor. I'd definitely rather buy from them than the chain stores if we actually decorated that much!

I agree! I don't buy at chain stores. I love Bronners !! Oh, what a real wonderland that is! You are spoiled! This store does Christmas from August to January. Close enough for me.