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RE: Falling for the Appalachian Trail: A Market Friday Story

in Market Fridaylast year (edited)

Who would overlook any of those views! Love your sense of humour. I also always knew myself to be a water person. But then I look over 😎 the mountains and I'm almost persuaded.....almost. Now give me mountains WITH the water. Oh. That is perfection. What an incredible trail this is. And I think Fall must be the most breathtaking time of year

Oh. And here's my fun for the day



Hehe! Perfection, right? :) At this time of year, the mountains win! Their beauty is unparalleled. The colors are just magnificent this year, but, the best place for the color was New England. Nothing beats it! Next year, I'll be there for a few months, letting Autumn roll by. :)

Oh, look at you!! You go all horsey on me! I love it!!! ❤️

You know #MarketFriday loves you!

The colours are truly spectacular! My favourite time of year when I lived over there....