Some considerations on biofertilizers

in StemSocial3 years ago (edited)
Dear readers, biofertilizers are agroecological alternatives whose use will depend on the edaphic conditions of the ecosystem where they are to be used. For this, it is necessary to carry out a previous diagnosis through a soil analysis that will allow us to know values on the percentage of organic matter, available nutrients and the presence of functional organisms for the decomposition of organic matter. In this sense, the following is a description of aspects of interest about biofertilizers.

Image design by @amestyj with image from his property

Taking into account the above mentioned, it is necessary to point out that the producer, before using any type of fertilizer, must know the characteristics of the agricultural soil for a better use of the resources that are being used, that is to say that having knowledge of the characteristics of the soil is fundamental to maintain and, if possible, improve the productivity and conserve its elements, thus avoiding the impoverishment of the soil.

Biofertilizers are products that contain living or dormant microorganisms, hence the word "BIO" which means life, this type of products are also known as bioinoculants and are used in agriculture to stimulate the growth of agricultural crops, this type of alternative can improve the edaphic ecosystem, since the contribution of certain microorganisms help the decomposition of organic matter present in the soil, thus achieving the solubilization of certain important nutritional elements to improve the production of agricultural crops.

On the other hand, it is necessary to mention that biofertilizers can be classified according to Aguado (2012), according to the mechanism employed by the microorganism contained, for example, some bacteria can promote plant growth because they are nitrogen fixers, there are also phosphorus solubilizing fungi or organic matter disintegrators.

What functionality can a biofertilizer have in an agricultural ecosystem?
Within the agricultural ecosystems, they can be very useful, depending on the need that you have, among the benefits that can have is the nutrition, recovery and reactivation of soil life, since a fertile soil translates into healthy plants, at the same time they can stimulate the protection of crops against the attack of certain pathogens.

Application of an artisanal liquid biofertilizer in chili bell pepper cultivation

Image design by @amestyj with image from his property

On the other hand, Restrepo (2012), points out that with this type of alternatives the use of highly soluble inorganic fertilizers of the industry can be replaced, the author also mentions that microorganisms can achieve a nutritional balance that will serve as a defense mechanism of the same, through organic acids, growth hormones, antibiotics, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, carbohydrates, amino acids and complex sugars, among others, present in the complexity of the biological, chemical, physical and energetic relationships established between plants and soil life.

¿With which elements can biofertilizers be enriched and what are their mechanisms of action?
It is already known that, within the fundamental characteristic of a biofertilizer, is the presence of beneficial microorganisms, there are biofertilizers that are handmade that are fermented, this type of handmade product can be enriched with some mineral salts, rock flour, ashes, among other important elements.

Sequential images of the elaboration of a fermented artisanal biofertilizer

Image design by @amestyj with images from his property

On the other hand, Aguado, Moreno and Gómez (2009), mention that within the mechanism of action provided by biofertilizers are the following:

  • Improvement of nitrogen and iron in plants.
  • Stimulates plant growth through phytohormones.
  • Protection against a variety of phytopathogenic fungi.
  • Generates a positive effect on vegetative development.
What is meant by plant growth and development?
Regarding growth, researchers such as Lira (2010) point out that plant growth is the increase in size of the plant, which can be quantified by the increase of cytoplasmic components such as proteins (dry weight), growth in length and in general terms, of any dimension as long as we prove that it is not reversible.

Image alluding to plant growth

Image design by @amestyj with images from his property

As for plant development, according to a great specialist in plant physiology Azcon-Bieto (2008), it is considered as a superior variable that comprises all the changes in plants that are generally conditioned to genetic factors, which occur in the organism during its life, that is to say during the whole phenological phase, in this he indicates that development is shown as the set of events that contribute to the progressive formation of the plant body.

Final considerations
In summary, biofertilizers depending on their nature in the elaboration are biological products developed and produced that are formulated in the union or set of microorganisms that stimulate the growth and development of plants, therefore, in the following publication we will share an essay on the influence of the application of a biofertilizer in the development of cuttings in Matarratón (Gliricidia sepium).

Bibliographic references
- Aguado S., G.A. (2012). Introduction to the Use and Management of Biofertilizers in Agriculture. INIFAP/SAGARPA. Mexico, Chapter III p. 52.

-Azcon-Bieto (2008). Fundamentals of plant physiology. Interamericana-Mc Graw Hill Ed. Madrid.

- Lira, (2010). Plant Physiology. Growth, development and action of hormones in plants. Editorial. Trillas S.A de C.V 2 Edition pp 193-212. Mexico.

-Restrepo (2007). Biofertilizers prepared and fermented from cow dung. Printed in the graphic workshops of Impresora Feriva S.A. Manual práctico ABC de la Agricultura Orgánica y Panes de Piedra, ISBN 978-958-44-1261-4 p.16 Cali. Colombia.

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Very important information for the use of biofertilizers, with a good bibliographic support.

Greetings dear friends, I am very glad that the content is to your liking, undoubtedly biofertilizers are a great alternative for the recovery of soils and therefore crop production.

Thank you for your appreciation, have a great weekend.

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