Factors that Influence the Yield of Pasteurized White Cheese.

in StemSocial3 years ago
Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

Author: @dgalan,through Power Point 2010 tool, and using public domain image https://granferiapzo.com

Greetings dear friends of hive and especially to the members of this prestigious community of StemSocial, following with my publications today I share with you a publication related to the Factors that Influence the Performance of Pasteurized White Cheese, where we can know where the cheese comes from and the factors that affect the performance and composition of the milk.

Milk is one of the foods that contains the most nutritional elements necessary for human beings, it is very rich and contains a high content of high quality proteins that generate the ten essential amino acids. It contributes to the daily caloric intake, as well as essential fatty acids, immunoglobulins, and other micronutrients.

According to Agudelo and Beyoda (2005). "Milk is a complex mixture of different substances, present in suspension or emulsion and others in the form of true solution and presents defined substances: water, fat, protein, lactose, vitamins, minerals; which are called dry extract or total solids". Total solids vary due to multiple factors such as: breed, type of feed, environment and hygienic condition of the cow.

Image taken from:Pixabay

Cheese is one of the oldest known ways to preserve milk for a reasonable time under favorable conditions, preserving and maintaining its nutritional potential. In this sense, cheese is one of the richest, tastiest and most varied derivatives with a great tradition in the table and culture of families. There is a range of different types of cheese that are part of the culture of each human community.

Pasteurized white cheese is currently one of the most commercialized in our country, since it is a food in great demand by those who follow slimming or low-fat diets. Similarly, according to Amenu and Deeth (2007), there are several factors that can affect the yield of cheese, which can be related to the composition of the milk or during processing, such as the heat treatment of the milk, type of coagulant, design of the vat, type of curd cut, mineral content and microbiological content.

Factors affecting milk yield and composition:

It should be noted that one of the main factors that alter milk composition is the total amount of milk produced in a milking. Thus, there are many factors that can alter milk composition, but the mechanism involved may be indirect; whereas the direct cause of the change in composition will be the amount of milk produced. In addition, several changes in characteristics from one milking to another cannot be attributed to any definite origin. It should be noted that the percentage of milk fat can vary up to 30% for unknown reasons.

* Influence of the breed: As the cow ages, the fat, protein, SNG and lactose contents of the milk decrease slightly.

* Age of the cow: A medida que envejece la vaca descienden ligeramente los contenidos de grasa, proteínas y lactosa de la leche.

Image taken from:Pixabay

* Lactation stage and season: : Milk fat and solids-nonfat contents decrease as milk yields increase until they reach a maximum 2 months after calving. Thereafter, fat, solids-nonfat and protein slowly increase throughout the remainder of lactation.

* Nutrition: Seasonal changes in milk composition are closely related to changes in the amount and type of feed received by the cows

To conclude, all these elements are fundamental to be able to have an optimal performance in the production of pasteurized cheese, because if the necessary control is not carried out, a product with many deficiencies and bad flavor can be produced, as well as poor quality, which has repercussions on the poor commercialization of the product.

I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.

Biliographic and consulted references:

1.- Agudelo, D and Bedoya, O. (2005). Nutritional composition of cattle milk. Revista Lasallista de Investigación, vol. 2, no. 1, January-June, pp.38-22, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista Colombia.

2.- Amenu, B. and H. Deeth 2007. The impact of milk composition on cheddar cheese manufacture. Deeth School of Land, Crop and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia, Queensland 4072.

3.- Molina, H. (2014). Evaluation of factors affecting the yield of Crema and Zamorella cheese at the EAP Dairy Plant. Special graduation project, Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, Zamorano Honduras.


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