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RE: EU Science Funding Unity in Disunity during COVID-19 🔬

in StemSocial4 years ago

Palnet was not showing the picture of my post (which is decisive to be recognized and seen) this time so I had to add it separately, let's see.

I agree with that. This is one of the current problem of the STEMsocial app that I will try to fix in one of the upcoming release (after the summer as this is not that easy wrt how things are implemented; see our roadmap).

To go back to the topic, bureaucracy is not avoidable. I tried for some time, but I am now deeply involved at different layers. This eats so much research time. Somehow, I decided to pay my share to the community. This being said, I agree it is always better to have fully-dedicated people in high positions, without any conflict of interest at all (and this is no so easy to find).