Thanks a lot for another great post from you. I remember a recent post released on STEMsocial discussing the benefits of honey on burning injuries. And the scene in this post was also happening in Nigeria. Unfortunately, I cannot find it anymore… Maybe does @gentleshaid remember who wrote it or have the link?
Anyways, I am happy to read your post tonight, that goes deep into the topic with quantitative estimates (even if I had to wait for the end of the blog to get them), as well as with a detailed description of the healing process as a bonus which I did not expect (I didn’t know that much on the inflammation process by the way).
I will start my comment with a side note. I in fact especially enjoyed one of the very first sentences you wrote:
Most of the things they used were mostly natural without any form of artificially produced chemical substance.
Many people claim to try to live without relying on any chemical substance, which I find somewhat hilarious. They obviously refer here to artificially-produced substances. I appreciated the fact you insisted on this one word.
Now I have a real question/comment.
I didn’t know about the ANOVA method, which I looked on the Internet. In fact, it is probably quite close to methods I have used for my own research (i.e. a principal component analysis (PCA) aiming to investigate the variance of a feature space). The difference is probably that the PCA tries to combine feature, which is not the case here (as the dimensionality of the feature space is quite reduced).
By the way, this blog was much more accessible to people outside your field than the previous one I have read from you (on leukemia). I guess such a feedback could be useful to you (I am desperately looking for similar ones for my own texts).
PS: ahah, here is an open access article :D
No matter how we want to say it, chemicals are inevitable. The said plants and herbs people consume even contains more and higher dose of phytochemicals ranging from Alkaloids to others. If not for dosage, the dangerous effects can be devastating.
ANOVA is one statistical tool that most of my associates love using Especially in cases of disparity and variance in values. It's much more friendly in this regards.
Most of my research works are actually Published under open Access, except textbook versions - the Publishers would hardly let it out for
So sorry about your kid @gentleshaid , children at early age can be really troubled with recurrent ailments, but proper diagnosis will sure settle it. Hopefully he will sure bounce back hale and hearty.
Thank you sir
I guess the usage of this or that method is probably field-dependent. :)
I remember the honey post but can't really pick the author right now as my head is not really clear (currently in the hospital with my son on another admission).
I'm actually more familiar with ANoVA than PCA. It is my go to method for testing for significance. I only learned PCA briefly and never really build on it.
No problem for the honey post. It is clear you have more urgent and more important matters to deal with at the moment. Good luck!