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RE: The Orion Nebula's Relationship to Ancient Civilizations

in StemSocial2 years ago

I understood. In fact, these are people's thoughts which are not completely compatible. For example, the Orion Nebula is called the cosmic fire of creation, which is not entirely true, but it is true that it is the place where the stars are created.Some scientists think that the pyramids are towers that were used to communicate with aliens. This type of episode was aired on nat geo channel.

 2 years ago  

Some scientists think that the pyramids are towers that were used to communicate with aliens. This type of episode was aired on nat geo channel.

LOL, they are not scientists. Most of them are just writers and a few fringe professionals. That idea has been debunked too, it's just pseudo-scientific stuff. Of course, History Channel airs it because, contrary to appearances, they really aren't committed to science popularization. They need to sell and sensationalism sells well.