in StemSocial4 years ago

By this time of the year, secondary as well as tertiary institution students' graduating pictures would have been all over social media. The closure of schools and campuses nationwide for all categories of students from primary to PhD programs affected all spheres of life. This triggers the school owners as well as government to direct the students to make use of virtual learning (online class). It has now become a matter of compulsion for students and teachers to move from the classroom to an online class. They have to adjust to this new environment where they rarely see their teacher and their fellow classmates.


Sourced from pixabay

Major benefit of online lecture is that, it exposes the eyes of the students to the digital world. Apart form the four walls of the classroom, there is an atmosphere where teaching and learning can also take place without you seeing the person teaching you once you are with your phone or PC. All you have to do is to login to the platform which the class is taking place, input the class code (if there is any) and listen to your lecture delivered by your lecturer(teacher). Some of the common platforms used are telegram, google classroom, edmodo, zoom, e.t.c.


As good as the virtual learning sounds, it also has some negative effects on the users especially the learners.

  • Object of distraction.
  • Technical problems.
  • Problems in evaluating learners.


Sourced from pixabay

Devices used in attending online classroom has now serve as an object of distraction to learners. Learners get carried away with chat from friends, social media pictures and videos. Instead of receiving lectures online, some students will be busy doing something else with their phone or PC.


Sourced from pixabay

Unstable WiFi, confusing interface as well as network issue are some of the likely technical problems faced by teachers and students. In the course of undergoing teaching-learning process, the aforementioned problems can spring up all of a sudden which might hinder the commencement of virtual learning.

Unlike the classroom where the teacher evaluates his students and knows how far learning has taken place, virtual learning doesn't give room for proper evaluation of learners. When the teacher gives his students assignment which is also a way of evaluating the student, most of the student will copy the answer online or from a friend without reading through first before submitting.

Not everyone will be fine with the time chosen for online lecture. Some students already had the plan of helping either of their parents at their place of work but the plan will be shattered by the virtual class scheduled.

Some though not all students have neither mobile phone nor PC to attend the virtual class. Some even have phones but it cannot access the internet.

Sourced from pixabay

Some parents can't afford to buy it for their children while some children misused it when it was given to them which makes it spoilt.


As bad as corona virus dealt with people educationally, it also helped students in some technological area. Being fervent in terms of technology cannot be underated in this global pandemic situation. As good as that sounds, it also has a series of negative effect which is detrimental to learning.

Impact of Corona Virus on Education


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