Keeping the kids entertained with some kitchen science...

in StemSocial3 years ago (edited)


The "half-term" holiday is quickly coming to an end, and thankfully, 1/2pint will be returning to school on Monday. Thanks to #covid19 and a UK lockdown, he's been home from school since December 15th. To say Mrs Welshstacker is relieved is an understatement, and means she can spend the last few weeks of her maternity leave with our 1yr old daughter, as she had planned last February before covid swept over the planet.

Both Mrs W and myself are classed as keyworkers, so I've been working constantly throughout the pandemic, with the weekend are the only time I get to spend with my kids. So when I'm home, we try and have some fun and I try and give Mrs W a break from having to juggle both kids!!


Today we made a mini-volcano and home made lava! A very cool little science experiment that can be done in your kitchen. A simple mixture of bicarbonate of soda and vinegar and instant bubbly lava....

Now heres the trick to getting better lava - use a tiny drop of washing up liquid, as this holds the bubbles and you get some really good height on the foam thats created from the reaction. My other handy tip is to mix in some RED food colouring in to the vinegar before combining with the bicarbonate..... This will make a red foam and really impress the kids. Unfortunately we had run out, although I could have sworn we had some here.


While we were out in the kitchen, we baked some little cupcakes too. Delicious



Nice tips, although maybe provide the recipe for the "lava"? And, now that I think about it, the cupcakes too. Those look delicious! :-) Just kidding. I'm sure I can google them both.... I would also add "slime" to the mix as a very good way of keeping kids distracted. My daughter has probably made 500 batches of the stuff over the last 5 years and now, at 11, she still likes to do it. Simple, cheap, and very entertaining (if a little messy).

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