[ENG/ESP] I Got Scared Because my Dog had a Seizure Due to his Diet / Me Asusté porque mi Perro Convulsionó debido a su Dieta

in Hive Pets3 years ago


Hoy les vengo a contar algo que me ocurrio con mi perrito Neo y que me dio un susto horrible.

Hace unas semanas llevé a Neo al veterinario porque comenzó a convulsionar de repente y nuca le había ocurrido algo así, me asusté mucho, no solo por episodio sino también por el hecho de que cuanto esto termino, Neo no se movía, estaba muy débil y asustado al punto de que no controlaba esfínteres y se hacia pipi encima. Así que en medio de mi crisis decidí salir corriendo con él a la emergencia de la veterinaria mas cercana.

Today I come to tell you something that happened to me with my dog Neo and that gave me a horrible scare.
A few weeks ago I took Neo to the vet because he began to seizure suddenly and something like this had never happened to him, I was very scared, not only by episode but also by the fact that when it ended, Neo did not move, he was very weak and scared to the point of not controlling sphincters and peeing all over himself. So in the middle of my crisis I decided to run with him to the nearest vet emergency.


En mi visita al veterinario Neo estaba completamente desmayado, aun cuando le encanta salir, no respondía a ningún estimulo. El doctor le hizo unos exámenes, sin que el protestara cabe aclarar, cosa rarísima ya que odia cuando lo tocan, y encontró algunos valores altos que se debían a un mal funcionamiento hepático y me dijo que podría deberse a la alimentación.

On my visit to the vet Neo was completely passed out, even though he loves to go out, he did not respond to any stimulation. The doctor made him some tests, without his protesting it should be clarified, which is extremely rare since he hates being touched, and he found some high values that were due to liver malfunction and told me that it could be due to food.


Neo siempre fue de comer su comida especial para perros, y para que no se aburriera tanto solíamos comprarle a veces sobres de carne o pollo y palitos masticables, todo para perros, a él le encantaban, se emocionaba siempre que veía que le daríamos uno. Sin embargo, el veterinario nos dijo que aunque fuesen para perro, serian el equivalente de comida chatarra para el humano, además su comida, aunque era de calidad, no estaba acorde a sus necesidades diarias, dado su mal funcionamiento hepático.

El doctor termino administrándole un protector hepático y prescribiéndole una dieta especial a base una comida especial para el que le daría lo que el necesitaba. Además nos prohibió darle cualquier cosa extra a esta comida, tanto comida de humanos como snaks para perros.

Neo was always eating his special food for dogs, and so that he would not get so bored we used to buy him sometimes sachets of meat or chicken and chew sticks, everything for dogs, he loved them, he was excited whenever he saw that we would give him one. However, the vet told us that even if they were for dogs, they would be the equivalent of junk food for humans, also their food, although it was of quality, was not according to their daily needs, given their poor liver function.
The doctor ended up administering a liver protector and prescribing a special diet based on a special meal for which he would give him what he needed. He also prohibited us from giving anything extra to this food, both human food and dog snacks.


Gracias a lo que he podido generar en esta maravillosa plataforma Hive he podido estarle comprando la comida que le cae bien y desde entonces no ha sufrido más convulsiones. Después de un día tan traumático en el que incluso yo salí herida, al tratar de ayudar a Neo mientras convulsionaba me mordió estando desorientado, su alimentación y su salud han sido una de mis prioridades, aun cuando antes igual era muy cuidadosa, ahora soy extra cuidadosa.

Thanks to what I have been able to generate in this wonderful Hive platform, I have been able to buy him the food that he likes and since then he has not suffered any more seizures. After such a traumatic day in which even I was injured, when trying to help Neo while he was convulsing he bit me while disoriented, his diet and his health have been one of my priorities, even though before I was very careful, now I am extra careful.


Por suerte a Neo si le gusta su nueva comida, a veces quiere comer algo diferente y se coloca a nuestro lado cuando estamos comiendo para que le demos un aperitivo, pero el doctor me dijo que solo la comida de perro. No me gusta ver a Neo velando la comida, pero debo ser fuerte y pensar en lo mejor para mi perro.

Neo es mi mejor amigo y tenerlo a una dieta estricta nos pone un poco ansiosos a los dos, pero es lo mejor para su salud y quisiera que mi peludito tenga una larga y sana vida junto a mi.

Luckily neo if he likes his new food, sometimes he wants to eat something different and he stands next to us when we are eating so we can give him a snack, but the doctor told me only dog food. I don't like to see Neo watching over the food, but I have to be strong and think about the best for my dog.
Neo is my best friend and having him on a strict diet makes us both a little anxious, but it is the best for his health and I would like my furry to have a long and healthy life with me.


Recuerden siempre estar pendientes de lo que le dan a sus mascotas, algunos perritos son mas delicados que otros y así como nos pasa a nosotros los humanos, comida especial para ellos también puede ser perjudicial para algunos. Siempre que tengas dudas no dudes en consultar a tu veterinario, podrías evitarle muy feas experiencias a tu mascota y darle una vida mucho mas feliz y sin dolencias!

Remember to always be aware of what you give to your pets, some dogs are more delicate than others and just as it happens to us humans, special food for them can also be harmful for some. Whenever you have doubts, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian, you could avoid very ugly experiences for your pet and give him a much happier life without ailments!


Si normalmente las personas no saben los peligros de una mala dieta en la mascota, sin embargo me alegro mucho de que pudieras cumplir con el tratamiento que te dio el vet.

Esta muy lindo Neo

Gracias!! Si, muchas veces les hacemos mal solo por no saber, es una lastima!