Woody's progress a rescued pigeon. || El progreso de Woody un pichón rescatado.

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Howdy folks today I am sharing the progress and how lucky I have been to be able to carry on with this little rescued pigeon.

Que tal amigos hoy comparto el progreso y lo afortunado que he sido de poder llevar adelante este pequeño pichón rescatado.


A month ago I shared this publication A Little Pigeon Rescued || Un Pequeño Pichón Rescatado where I relate how he was found and how he came to my hands, at that time I doubted that the pigeon would survive and I did not know what species of bird it was, and I started feeding him with food that I prepared with different ingredients and as the days went by he was evolving very well.

Hace un mes compartí esta publicación A Little Pigeon Rescued || Un Pequeño Pichón Rescatado donde relate como fue encontrado y como llego a mis manos, para ese momento dudaba que el pichón sobreviviera y no sabia que especie de ave era, y comencé alimentarlo con papillas que prepare con diferentes ingredientes y al pasar los días fue evolucionando muy bien.



After thirteen days of being rescued I began to notice what kind of bird it is, by the shape and hardness of its tail feathers, the shape of its legs and the way it perches vertically holding on with its claws and tail, it is evidently a kind of woodpecker.

Luego de trece días que fue rescatado comencé a notar que clase de ave es, por la forma y dureza de as plumas de su cola, la forma de sus patas y la manera de posarse verticalmente sujetándose con las garras y su cola, evidentemente es una especie de pájaro carpintero.





This little bird has already won the affection of everyone in my home and we named him Woody after the cartoon woody the woodpecker. From very early in the morning, as soon as the sun rises, he starts making noise with his particular song demanding food. I still feed him mostly with porridge made with fruit, peanut butter, cornmeal and cat food, and I supplement part of the day with worms and insects that I catch.

Esta pequeña ave ya se ha ganado el cariño de todos en mi hogar y lo nombramos Woody por la caricatura de woody el pájaro carpintero. Desde muy temprano apenas amanece comienza a hacer ruido con su particular canto demandando alimento. Aun lo alimento en su mayor parte con papillas hechas con frutas, mantequilla de maní, harina de maíz y alimento de gatos. y complemento en parte de día con lombrices e insectos que capturo.




It does not yet attempt to fly and does not feed itself.
He is already trying out his beak and sometimes hits and makes small cracks in the wooden basket where I keep him.
It is active throughout the day observing any changes and new objects around it.

He feels comfortable in my hand when I bring my hand close to him, he jumps up.

Aun no hace el intento de volar y no se alimenta por si solo.
Ya esta probando su pico en ocasiones golpea y hace pequeñas fisuras en la cesta de madera donde lo mantengo.
Se mantiene activo durante todo el día observando cualquier cambio y objetos nuevos a su alrededor.
Se siente a gusto en mi mano cuando le acerco la mano se sube de un brinco.



I still don't know what will happen when it starts to fly, if it will leave or stay living around. I would love to keep him with me, but since he is a wild species I can't bear the idea of keeping him in a cage, let alone having to cut his wing feathers to prevent him from escaping. In the meantime I am putting insects in it so that it gets used to eating them. This species of woodpecker is abundant in the region where I live.

Aun no se que pasara cuando comience a volar, si se marchara o quedara viviendo alrededor. Me encantaría conservarlo conmigo pero por ser una especie silvestre no soportaría la idea de mantenerlo enjaulado y mucho menos tener que cortarle las plumas de alas para evitar que escape. Mientras le voy colocando insectos para que se acostumbre a comerlos. Esta especie de pájaro carpintero es abundante en la región donde yo vivo.




In the following link you can see some information in Spanish about this species:

En el siguiente enlace pueden ver un poco de información en idioma español sobre esta especie:

Melanerpes rubricapillus

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It is such a cute little guy! ❣️🐣 Congratulations on the courage to save him! I hope that I will never find myself in such a situation. I have no idea what to do with such baby birds and I will be very scared. Especially if I can't help it with anything. But you did it 👏

Yes it is, thank you.
So was I, I had no idea how to feed it and I didn't know what bird it was or what it should eat. But I did some research and improvised a bit and it worked.