in Hive Pets3 years ago

Analog shoot with a Zenit 12XP, Helios 44 lens, Kodak Pro Image 100 film.

Ned llegó a "La Alquería" con su gatita hermana. Los llevaron en una caja. Cómo lograron rescatarlas será un misterio, pues era imposible acercarse a ellos. Una aproximación bastaba para desencadenar un gruñido y un arañazo super veloz.

"La Alquería" es una antigua casa en una pequeña sierra en Maldonado donde se ecuentra un terreno con mucha historia. Viejas boleadoras, balas de cañon y otras piezas que datan de los años de colonización se encuentran en el gran terreno que la rodea. Se dice que allí vivió el primer historiador de la ciudad.
El padre de un amigo adquirió esas tierras y tienen la suerte de poder habitarla y nosotros de recorrerla.

Durante días tuvieron que tenerlos en una habitación donde darles de comer, sin encontrar manera de poder agarrarlos, acariciarlos.
En un intento de mi parte recibí una fuerte mordida en un dedo. Esos dientes tan finos y afilados se enterraron de tal manera que, aunque mínima, la profunda herida resultaba muy dolorosa y no paraba de sangrar.

Decidieron abrirles la puerta y dejarlos salir. Ya estaban habituados a ser alimentados por sus nuevos humanos, así que se suponía que volverían y así fue.

Con el tiempo fueron ellos mismos quienes se acercaban a pedir cariño conviertiéndose en gatos super hogareños.

Mírenlo. Allí relajado entre las leñas al sol. Observando el horizonte como esperando algo. O esperando nada. Distante. Calculador. Sigiloso.
Cuando quiere, tierno, mimoso, juguetón.
De repente despiadado cazador.


Ned arrived at "La Alqueria" with his sister kitty. They were carried in a box. How they managed to rescue them will remain a mystery, as it was impossible to get close to them. One approach was enough to trigger a super-fast growl and scratch. 

La Alquería" is an old house in a small mountain range in Maldonado where there is a plot of land with a lot of history. Old boleadoras, cannonballs and other pieces dating from the years of colonization are found on the large plot of land that surrounds it. It is said that the first historian of the city lived there. 
A friend's father acquired the land and they are fortunate to be able to inhabit it and we are fortunate to be able to tour it. 

For days they had to keep them in a room to feed them, without finding a way to hold them, to caress them. 
In one attempt on my part I received a strong bite on one of my fingers. Those very thin and sharp teeth were buried in such a way that, although minimal, the deep wound was very painful and did not stop bleeding.

They decided to open the door and let them out. They were already used to being fed by their new humans, so it was assumed that they would return and they did. 

Eventually it was they themselves who would come over to ask for affection becoming super house cats.

Look at him. There relaxing among the firewood in the sun. Watching the horizon as if waiting for something. Or waiting for nothing. Distant. Calculating. Stealthy. 
When it wants, tender, cuddly, playful.
Suddenly ruthless hunter. 


Hello @ela.muds greeting from Camping Club Hive Community 🙏

Might be you want to share some of your story of camping with us here:

Hopefully your experiences will be useful for our community that build for Camping, Hiking, Cycling and Travel story experiences. Thank you for your attention and have a nice day☺

Nice!!! Of course I will!!! Thanks for the invitation! 😊🙌🏼

My pleasure ☺