The girls never stop being girls, their happy faces, for coming to the Zoo and not to train or walk.

in Hive Pets3 years ago


The girls never stop being girls, their happy faces, for coming to the Zoo and not to train or walk. Just to see the animals in captivity and feed them, we take pictures with them and enjoy something different these days. So let's have fun on a day of lots of laughter and treats that are not to be missed.


Their faces of joy and happiness nobody can take away from them, the bears in love with these beauties as well as the monkeys. They wanted to steal them and not let me take them home. To see them happy and joyful fills my soul. It brings me a lot of satisfaction. I wish I had had the childhood they have. Of course, these are different times, but maybe I would change it just for a few moments.


Here I am a little angry because the animals are caged and I explained why they are in the zoos because they attacked someone or simply donated them. Many of them surely did something wrong, from what I understand, that's how I read about the zoos in the past, I don't know about nowadays.


Taking these photos and seeing her euphoria when feeding her, theor sheep I do not distinguish her very well and excuse me. I wondered at almost 11 years old that she still behaves like a child, although many times they are both very mature for their age. It reminded me of this phrase that I will say or repeat again, girls grow up and stay girls. That's what came to my mind while I was taking this picture.


King's daughters, as I told you, they wanted to steal them from me. Very happy in this zoo they learned some new things they did not know. From now on they will do new things to love their pets more, like the ones they have at home and to value them much more. When they saw and lived in this Pandemic and the enclosures.


If I had to choose between all the photos this would be the first photo, but my baby can not be overshadowed so I changed it for my champion. Soon they will have to train hard and rigorous, for some championships they should be more active, a well deserved rest, later I will keep you informed about it...

📸📲 Redmi Note 8.


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