Stormy New Adventures With My Karelian

in Hive Pets3 years ago (edited)

A stormy day does not keep my Karelian Bear Dog, Kintla, at bay.

If you've read my other blogs, you know how closely Kintla is intertwined with nature—maybe her curly tail is a symbol of that primordial connection. Recently, we had a dark stormy day (as we often do in spring!) but that didn’t stop Kintla from pushing me out the door to explore. We drove to a lake we'd never been to, and she was eager to jump from the car (after I said “break,” of course). Most often we explore trails in the mountains where she can run free, but this beach required a leash, and since she has tasted her freedom, she no longer enjoys the leash!



With purple clouds brooding above us, we left the empty parking lot and started following the shoreline. Angry waves slapped the beach, and I was soon freezing my butt off thinking maybe we should turn back, but Kintla pulled us forward as she drank in every sound and scent. Her bearing was jubilant, and if she had her way, she'd remain there all day, regardless of the apparent approaching doom. The wind was tearing about, punching us from all sides but Kintla wore a smile on her face, almost as if she was saying: “Bring it!” Her enthusiasm in the face of any such circumstances encourages me to be braver and take on the storms as well.

As fat raindrops started plinking down all around us and the cold breeze became unbearable, I envisioned Kintla in her native country of Finland and realized I’m not as tough as my Karelian girl. This was only a mere drizzle compared to the violent storms she would endure back there.



I am grateful for her sense of adventure and fearless attitude. It's no wonder she is bred for big game hunting—the shadow she casts is oftentimes bigger than her.



Ah outdoor adventures with your trusty big game hunting dog. Perfect subject for a short blog and I wish I was on that bench.