Summer of my little doggie

in Hive Pets3 years ago (edited)


Not long ago we had world dog day. For this occasion, I bought for my 13-kg furry a 250-gram piece of boneless neck. As I was leaving the store, I found my friend's partner and she handed Taco a serving of wet food. By the way, at the same time my neighbor's granddaughter reached the dog. We don't really like each other - both I don't like him and he doesn't like me. The granddaughter, not knowing it, started to stroke the dog and it was a pleasant experience. We had to pretend everything was ok, look each other in the eye, talk. Generally, there is no big disagreement between them, but you know what it is like with guys in this situation - we will not talk to each other despite a few situations to which we both actually contributed. And it's all thanks to my dog, such a daily story of an average man and his dog. Fortunately, the heat is about to end. It is true that they were annoying for some time, but contrary to what my peers and people from the media say, this year it was not that bad in this respect. It rained more, there were fewer stuffy days that are even worse than the heat (even if you have to bathe 4-5 times a day), the heat was not that long. Usually there was a fairly reasonable interval - 5-7 days of sunshine, then a solid storm. Well, my Taco a year ago literally refused to obey and was sick for 2 days from overheating, and during this summer, he had 10 times a sparse poop (calm down, the boy was healthy, he did not eat old food + on the same day or the next, he did normal poops). Yes, he got a bit tired, but every living thing (probably even bacteria, from what I read once) has a harder time feeling such temperatures, so it's not surprising.

Remember to rinse your dogs with water! Important! Don't confuse it with baths! Smell is very important to dogs and they don't need to be exactly shampooed, plain water will do. Shampooing them too often will only harm them. Cool water is enough, so the dog will not ga











