Happy Cat Day! My middle cat: Cocó

in Hive Pets • last year

My baby with 3 months old
"help, mom and that huge thing again!"
"mom I don't like cameras!"
"I'm defeated. It's ok, take my soul" 😂
My Cocó now with a year and 7 months old

Hello community, Happy Cat Day! 🙀, today I share photos of my "middle" kitten, "Cocó".

She is.. Very expressive! Since I was little I have had a lot of fun capturing her histrionic personality, nowadays she is less expressive and but she still knows how to communicate a lot, her intense little face makes me very funny. Of my 3 cats, she has been the most difficult to train because she is very restless, curious and daring. However, something very curious happened, when I brought my baby "Orange" home, she adopted him as her own and is super protective and maternal with him, while Luna, my eldest, is a mommy's girl. Later I will show you photos of my 3 babies.

Orange and Cocó are actually brothers from different litters from the same mother.

Cocó makes me very proud, she recently started hunting, she has become an expert and she is big and beautiful, she eats very well and is not demanding at all, she does not like to get into trouble.

To all the Karen and Karencios from hive, happy cat day! 🤗

Thank you for reading me 💕

📸:Canon xt, Android Infinix note 10

Social media :
Instagram :@somoslunaycocoquito

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I want to share my orange cat