My favorite place for Lisa, pampering mode [ENG] [ES]

in Hive Pets2 years ago

Definitely this kind of moments are a fortune for me, they are unique moments that are not easily repeated, many times I tell you that my Lisa is not the most affectionate cat that exists, I have made it very clear and it is the truth, but these last days, my God, I feel that she is giving me all the affection that she has not given me in a long time, I feel that she is giving me all the affection that she hasn't given me in a long time, every morning when I sit on the patio furniture she comes, she caresses my legs passing from side to side rubbing me and I put her on the furniture and she automatically puts herself in a comfortable position on my legs and arms and the truth my friends, I was astonished hahaha she was so happy, yesterday this happened for the first time and I was so impressed that I don't even remember to take a couple of pictures, I was shocked hahaha, today the same thing happened and I lifted her up and put her on the furniture again and she did the same thing again, and friends, I couldn't miss this opportunity because I really don't know if this will happen again tomorrow, I pray to God that it will but I still took these pictures which are not the best but they are full of love.

Definitivamente este tipo de momentos son una fortuna para mi, son momentos únicos y que no se repiten fácilmente, muchas veces les digo que mi Lisa no es la gata más cariñosa que existe, se los he dejado muy en claro y es la verdad, pero estos ultimos dias, Dios mio, siento que me esta dando todo el cariño que no me ha dado en mucho tiempo, cada mañana cuando me siento en el mueble del patio llega, me acaricia las piernas pasando de lado a lado rozándome y yo la subo al mueble y ella automaticamente se pone en una posición cómoda en mis piernas y brazos y la verdad amigos, quedó atónito jajaja se me enfria el cafe de lo asombrado que quedó, ayer esto pasó por primera vez y fue tanta mi impresión que no recuerde ni me paso por la cabeza hacer un par de fotos, estaba impactado jajaja, el dia de hoy paso lo mismo y la levanté y puse en el mueble nuevamente y volvió a hacer lo mismo, y amigos, esta oportunidad si no la podía desaprovechar porque realmente no se si esto vuelva a pasar mañana, ruego a Dios que si pero igualmente hice estas fotos que no son las mejores pero estan repletas de amor.

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As I told you before Lisa is not the most affectionate cat and that's why these moments are very special, she doesn't let me give her affection but she hates that I give affection to other animals, she is crazy friends hahaha but I love her because she is a little light at home. Also something happened these days that moved me completely, I went out to a friend's house in the afternoon until very late at night, when I got home my mom was doing some pending work and she told me that Lisa was very restless, she was walking all over the house and she was standing in front of my room meowing, my mom told me that she had never seen her like that before and I died of tenderness hahaha, I hate not to have seen that because it was super rare in her, but well friends, without a doubt I enjoy all this and I am happy to have her, I hope I have transmitted you the love my eyes see in these pictures, greetings and see you next time.

Como anteriormente les comente Lisa no es la gata más cariñosa de verdad y por eso estos momentos son muy especiales, ella no se deja dar cariño pero odia que le de cariño a otros animales, esta loca amigos jajaja pero asi la amo porque es una lucecita en casa. También pasó algo en estos días que me conmovió completamente, yo salí a la casa de una amiga desde la tarde hasta muy tarde de la noche, cuando llegue a casa mi mamá estaba cociendo unos trabajos pendiente y e contó que Lisa estaba super inquieta, que caminaba toda la casa y se paraba frente a mi cuarto a maullar, mi mama me dijo que nunca antes la habia visto asi y me mori de ternura jajaja, odio no haber visto eso porque e super raro en ella, pero bueno amigos, sin duda disfruto mucho todo esto y estoy contento de tenerla, espero les haya transmitido el amor mis ojos ven en estas fotos, saludos y hasta la próxima.

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Account where I upload my personal content | Cuenta donde subo mi contenido personal

José Luna

Account where I upload my professional content | Cuenta donde subo mi contenido profesional


Cámara utilizada en esta sesión: Hueawei p smath 2019
Programa de edición: Adobe Photoshop CS6

Camera used in this session: Hueawei p smath 2019
Editing program: Adobe Photoshop CS6


Like your cat and your t shirt!!!!!

Thank you very much♥

with these pictures, Lisa has left you as a liar by saying that she is not affectionate hahaha. These are the moments you should take advantage of, especially when we have pets that don't like so much physical contact or don't usually express themselves in an affectionate way. Lisa looks quite comfortable!

Hahahaha yes, Lisa exposed me. And totally, those are the words I was looking for when I wanted to express myself, she doesn't like physical contact much, that's it, but well taking full advantage when I can give her that comfort♥.