Una experiencia inesperada con Nóbah [ESP-ENG]

in Hive Pets2 years ago (edited)


An unexpected experience with Nóbah

Buen día tengan todos queridos lectores. Vengo a contarles cómo ha ido Nóbah. Desafortunadamente hace tres días tuvo un ataque que nos dejó muy angustiados. Después de un paseo un poco agitado, la dejé un rato en casa con mis padres, a los 20 minutos de yo haberme ido mi papá me llama alarmado, entonces voy corriendo a la casa. Me dice que no puede mantenerse de pie y efectivamente así era, estaba muy desorientada y no tenía control de sus patas, por más que intentara mantenerse de pie, no podía.

Good morning dear readers. I am here to tell you how Nóbah has been doing. Unfortunately three days ago she had a seizure that left us very distressed. After a somewhat hectic walk, I left her at home with my parents for a while, 20 minutes after I left my dad calls me alarmed, so I run to the house. He tells me she can't stand up and indeed she was, she was very disoriented and had no control of her legs, no matter how hard she tried to stand up, she couldn't. I called her vet about 10 minutes later.

Llamé a su veterinario como a eso de las 8 de la noche preguntando le si podía revisarla y me dijo que la llevara. Este veterinario atiende en su casa y gracias a Dios queda bastante cerca de la mía. Al llegar la observó, sin muchas revisiones lo cual me disgustó un poco, dijo que parecía que estaba envenenada, pero nosotros no tenemos ningún tipo de veneno en la casa y ella no se queda afuera sin supervisión, así que veneno no podía ser, mencionó que quizás podía ser el azúcar, intentó hacerle una prueba, pero después de 3 intento fallidos le dije que la dejara, que no intentara más, le colocó una inyección de complejo B12 y la mandó a casa.

I called her vet at about 8pm asking if he could check her out and he told me to bring her in. This vet is at his home and thank God it is quite close to mine. When he arrived he looked at her, without much checking which upset me a little, he said it looked like she was poisoned, but we don't have any poisons in the house and she doesn't stay outside unsupervised, so poison couldn't be, he mentioned that maybe it could be the sugar, he tried to test her, but after 3 failed attempts I told him to leave her, not to try anymore, he gave her a B12 complex injection and sent her home.

No me quedé con eso y decidí esperar a la mañana para llevarla a una clínica veterinaria a qué le hicieran un hematología y ahí es donde me encontré con la sorpresa. Afortunadamente nos atendieron tan pronto llegamos, el veterinario me hizo unas preguntas, la puso a caminar y le tomó la muestra de sangre para el examen, cuando ese señor salió con los resultados, estoy segura de que me puse pálida, mientras más me explicaba menos estaba donde debería estar. Las palabras "amiga, no sé cómo tú perro sigue vivo" fueron las que hicieron volver a la realidad, necesitaba una transfusión de sangre urgente, necesitaban que buscara un perro sano que pesara más de 15kg, ahí fue dónde me volví loca.

I didn't stop with that and decided to wait until the morning to take her to a veterinary clinic to have a hematology done and that's where I found the surprise. Fortunately we were attended as soon as we arrived, the vet asked me a few questions, put her on a walk and took the blood sample for the test, when that man came out with the results, I'm sure I turned pale, the more he explained to me the less I was where I should be. The words "my friend, I don't know how your dog is still alive" were the ones that brought me back to reality, I needed an urgent blood transfusion, they needed me to find a healthy dog that weighed more than 15kg, that's where I went crazy.

Traté de explicarle a mi hermano lo mejor posible, ya que la voz la tenía atorada en la garganta, hicimos llamadas y yo cada vez más estresada, ya que el doctor no me aseguraba que siguiera viva para el lunes que es cuando nuevamente abría la clínica. Después de esperar unas 2 horas, que para mí fueron eternas, mi papá consiguió que el vecino que tiene un perro grande, lo llevara para examinarlo y comprobar si podía ser un buen donante. Traté de mantenerme lo más calmada posible durante ese trayecto, ella dormía en mis piernas, mientras le sobaba la pancita. Después del análisis del perro donador, gracias a Dios que todo salió bien, le sacaron la sangre (40cc), los cuales le pusieron a Nóbah mediante un yelco, el cual fue muy complicado de poner.

I tried to explain to my brother as best as I could, since my voice was stuck in my throat, we made phone calls and I got more and more stressed, since the doctor did not assure me that she would still be alive on Monday, which is when the clinic would be open again. After waiting for about 2 hours, which for me felt like forever, my dad got the neighbor who has a big dog to take him to examine him and check if he could be a good donor. I tried to stay as calm as possible during that ride, she slept on my lap, while I rubbed her tummy. After the analysis of the donor dog, thank God everything went well, they took the blood (40cc), which they put in Nóbah through a yelco, which was very complicated to put in.


Le mandaron tratamiento además de la transfusión de sangre, antibióticos y vitaminas, les dejaré una foto por aquí y también una de la hematología, las rayas que se ven son los valores que tiene críticos, el veterinario me explico en cuánto deberían de tenerlos. Su nombre está mal escrito, pero eso es lo de menos.

They sent him treatment besides the blood transfusion, antibiotics and vitamins, I will leave a photo here and also one of the hematology, the stripes that you see are the values that he has critical, the vet explained to me how much they should be. Her name is misspelled, but that is the least of it.




Darle el medicamento no es una tarea fácil, todos son cada 12 horas, uno le toca a las 6:30 y las vitaminas a las 10:30, aun no ha comenzado con la prednisona por recomendación del veterinario. Todos son por administración oral, lo que quiere decir que debo dárselos yo mimas con una jeringa según lo indicado en la receta, tuve que comprar una jeringa pequeña para darle la dosis de antibiótico que es complicada de medir con una jeringa normal.

Giving him the medication is not an easy task, they are all every 12 hours, one is at 6:30 and the vitamins at 10:30, he has not started with the prednisone yet because of the vet's recommendation. They are all by oral administration, which means that I have to give them myself with a syringe as indicated in the prescription, I had to buy a small syringe to give him the dose of antibiotic that is complicated to measure with a normal syringe.




Mi mayor miedo es perder a mi hija, no la considero un simple perro, cualquier mascota, para mí ella es mi hija. Hace como 5 años que no tengo un perro, después de la última mala experiencia que tuve sentí que no estaba preparada para revivir malos recuerdos. Pero las circunstancias cambian, antes no trabajaba y dependía de que mis padres le compraran las cosas al perrito, ahora soy yo la que vela porque tenga todas sus vacunas y comprarle sus medicamento, llevarla al veterinario cuando sea necesario, sigo dependiendo de mis padres en ciertos aspectos porque soy menor de edad, pero hay cosas que antes no podía ofrecerle a mi perro porque yo no era la que ponía el dinero. Nóbah es mi prioridad siempre busco darle lo mejor dentro de mis posibilidades, haré lo que esté en mis manos para que se recupere pronto, los mantendré informados con su evolución. Gracias por llegar hasta aquí, esto ha sido todo por el post de hoy, hasta la próxima.

My biggest fear is losing my daughter, I don't consider her just a dog, any pet, to me she is my daughter. It's been about 5 years since I've had a dog, after the last bad experience I felt I wasn't ready to relive bad memories. But circumstances change, before I didn't work and I depended on my parents to buy things for the dog, now I am the one who makes sure she has all her vaccinations and buy her medicine, take her to the vet when necessary, I still depend on my parents in certain aspects because I am a minor, but there are things that before I couldn't offer my dog because I wasn't the one who put the money. Nobah is my priority, I always try to give him the best within my possibilities, I will do my best for him to recover soon, I will keep you informed with his evolution. Thank you for coming this far, that's all for today's post, until next time.


Hola @kpopjera tranquila con el favor de Dios tu perrita se pondrá fina y llena de salud y muy alegré con es. Saludos

@joalgusa Muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer mi post y por tus buenos deseos, afortunadamente Nóbah está mucho mejor, agradezco tu cometario.

They are more than just a dog.

That absolute love and loyalty that they give us...

Let alone the heartbreak when we lose them.

Thank you for caring for this amazing dog.


@woodathegsd That's right, they are our most loyal companions, I have already gone through the bad experience of losing a pet, I do not wish it to anyone, it is one of the worst experiences I've had, so I strive to give lots of love and affection to my dear Nóbah. Thank you for your comment.

The reason why I have this amazing world class German Shepherd is because I lost my highly trained service dog when he was only 4 years old. Actually it is coming on 3 years that I lost him? Or 2...

The pain hasn't totally gone away and some days looking through old dog pictures.... I still miss him.

However I went out and got a puppy and started working with raising an amazing fluff ball. He actually isn't a very destructive dog even though he did eat the gear shift and destroyed the steering wheel. And I definitely have puppy teeth marks in the sun visor...

Overall he has been so phenomenal I couldn't ask for anything more. Yeah it was really rough losing my dog and having this tiny little puppy that didn't like to cuddle....

He is starting to do the entire cuddling thing however he does wait until I'm passed out and then sneaks back to his spot. He definitely isn't high on the cuddle list or wanting to be under the covers all night long unless it is extremely frigid. He has spent a total of two nights in his life actually under the covers all night. He must just have lots of fur or something...

It is only because we love them so much that it hurts so much. Which I can absolutely understand. However dogs will miss their owner but go on living. They live much more in the moment than you and I. They are amazing absolutely.

@woodathegsd I know what a destructive dog is, my previous pet destroyed the tail light wires on my dad's car and other things. I still remember how angry he was, even though he was a small dog. My mom had hand knitted him a sweater, and he didn't even last two hours with it on when he had already broken everything, and the walking leashes he broke too, hahaha, despite all that, I miss her a lot.

Nóbah, fortunately she has recovered, now she is more active than ever, she is at the stage where biting shoes is her best pastime, from time to time she bites my clothes while I walk and pulls my mom's dresses, it's very funny. I am trying to raise her as best I can, but she is still a disobedient puppy. Your German Shepherd is very cute, I hope she lasts a long time with you and enjoys her years of life. Proto, Nóbah's first bath is coming up, she already has all her shots, I'm very excited, although I don't think she is, hahaha.

Wooda the gsd is a boy... But he is so pretty everyone thinks he is a girl.

And keep training and they will learn. When they are puppies they are going to be that.

Amazing dogs...

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Pobre Nobah, espero que se recupere mucho y pueda estar nuevamente jugando en casa 🙏

@luyale Afortunadamente está mucho mejor, no para de correr por toda la casa, está muy animada y se ve mucho más saludable. Gracias por leer mi post y por tomarte el tiempo de dejarme un comentario.