Eng-ESP If you can help, do it, indifference is also mistreatment/ Si puedes ayudar hazlo, la indiferencia también es maltrato @mariangelecs

in Hive Pets3 years ago
Hello to all my friends of this beautiful community where we know many pets of different species that every day delight us with their photos and stories.
I am going to tell you the story of Loki, so I called him because he was very playful, one rainy day I went to buy bread and I saw how some children mistreated a defenseless kitten before the eyes of many people and nobody did anything to stop it, I took him out of the hands of those children and scolded them very hard, I hope they have learned the lesson and do not do it again.
I took him and the poor thing was scared and trembling, I didn't know where to take him because my husband is allergic to cats, but I dared and took him home, my daughter was very happy to put a blanket on him and we gave him food.
He has been adapting very well, we put his sandbox and dewormed him, it was the best thing I did to give a home to this kitten that in the street was going to have a worse luck
I am very happy and pleased to have helped Loki, he is already part of the family and is very affectionate.
If it is in our hands we can make a difference and help these beings that have no voice, they give us unconditional love, so we can all be animal protectionists, just doing good deeds for them.
Well friends I hope you liked the story of Loki here I attach pictures taken from my tlf so you can see how beautiful he is.


Hola a todos mis amigos de esta bella comunidad donde conocemos a muchas mascotas de diferentes especies que todos los días nos deleitan con sus fotos e historias.
Le voy a contar la historia de Loki, así lo llame porque era muy juguetón, un día lluvioso fui a comprar pan y ví como unos niños maltrataban a un indefenso gatito ante la mirada de muchas personas y nadie hacía nada para impedirlo, yo sé lo quité de las manos a esos niños y los regañe muy fuerte ojalá hayan aprendido la lección y no lo vuelvan hacer.
Lo tomé y el pobre estaba asustado y temblando no sabía a dónde llevarlo porque mi esposo es alérgico a los gatos, pero me atreví y lo lleve a casa, mi hija muy contenta le puso una manta y le dimos comida.
Se ha ido adaptando muy bien, le pusimos su arenero y lo desparasitados, fué lo mejor que hice darle un hogar a este gatito que en la calle iba a tener una suerte peor.
Estoy muy feliz y complacida de haber ayudado a Loki ya forma parte de la familia y es muy cariñoso.
Si está en nuestras manos podemos hacer la diferencia y ayudar a estos seres que no tienen voz, ellos nos brindan amor incondicional, así que todos podemos ser proteccionistas de animales, solo haciendo buenas obras por ellos.
Bueno amigos espero le haya gustado la historia de Loki aquí le anexo fotos tomadas de mi tlf para que vean lo hermoso que es.





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