She is Luna/Ella es Luna.

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hello friends of this beautiful community. Today I want to introduce you to another member of the family. In the past I have already told you about Tito, Pocho, Lolli and the little guinea pigs. Today I will tell you instead how Luna, our baby came home.

Hola amigos de esta comunidad hermosa.
Hoy les quiero presentar a otro integrante de la familia. En pasado ya les he hablado de Tito, Pocho, Lolli y los pequeños cobayitos. Hoy les contaré en cambio como Luna, nuestra beba llegó a casa.


For those who don't know, we have a rotisserie - pizzeria, and like every day we go early in the morning to work.

Para los que no saben, nosotros tenemos una rotisería - pizzería, y como todos los días vamos bien temprano a la mañana para trabajar.


That morning I went out to the sidewalk to clean it up, when suddenly I see movement among the neighbor's garbage and I notice that there is a puppy. Right away I yelled to my husband "quick, quick, come on, I found a puppy."

Esa mañana salí a la vereda para limpiarla, cuando de repente veo movimiento entre la basura del vecino y noto que hay un cachorro.


Right away I yelled to my husband "quick, quick, come on, I found a puppy." We both rushed to the trash can to get it out.

Enseguida le grité a mi esposo "rápido, rápido, ven, encontré un cachorro".
Los dos nos precipitamos al canasto de la basura para sacarla.


We took her inside right away because it was winter and it was very cold. We fed her and made her a bed with a box and a woolen pullover.

La llevamos en seguida adentro porque era invierno y hacía mucho frío. La alimentamos y le hicimos una camita con una caja y un pullover de lana.


It was a sweetie, so small and furry! It looked like a stuffed animal! We don't think twice about having her with us.

Era una ternura, tan pequeña y peluda! Parecía un peluche! No lo pensamos dos veces a tenerla con nosotros.


Luckily the two dogs that live inside accepted her from the first moment and also Loli, the older dog who lives outside and who is very jealous of all the other females, put her under their protection teaching her good behavior.

Por suerte los dos perros que viven adentro la aceptaron desde el primer momento y también Loli, la perra mayor que vive afuera y que es muy celosa de todas las demás hembras, la puso bajo su protección enseñandole el buen comportamiento.


We call her Luna and although she has lived at home for four years and is big, for us she will always be "the baby."

La llamamos Luna y aunque ya son cuatro años que vive en casa y es grandota, para nosotros será siempre "la beba".


I hope you enjoyed this story. Thank you for your time. Greetings friends !!!

Espero que hayan disfrutado de esta historia. Gracias por su atención.
Los saludo amigos!!!