[ENG/ESP] Manchas one more spoiled of the family/ Manchas un consentido mas de la familia

in Hive Pets3 years ago


I am pleased to participate again in the weekly @OCD contest this time it is the turn of @Hivepest a beautiful community where we show love for our pets, those special beings that always accompany us throughout our lives.

Me complace participar nuevamente en el concurso semanal @OCD esta vez es el turno de @Hivepest una hermosa comunidad donde mostramos amor por nuestras mascotas, esos seres especiales que siempre nos acompañan a lo largo de nuestra vida.


The topic that they ask us to share is Knowing your pet.

El tema que nos piden que compartamos es Conociendo a tu mascota.

1) What is your pet's name and why did you decide to give it that name?

My cute little dog is called Manchas, they gave him to my family and me when he was six months old, he already responded to that name so we decided to leave it to him, he was so cute and defenseless, he was in a state of malnutrition and contaminated with fleas, right away We took a good bath and took him to the vet for a general check-up and he will get his vaccinations.

Today he is 11 years old since he came home with his tender and noble face, he is very intelligent and he quickly learned to relieve himself outside.


  1. ¿Cómo se llama tu mascota y por qué decidiste ponerle ese nombre?
    Mi perrito lindo se llama Manchas, nos lo dieron a mi familia y a mí cuando tenía seis meses, ya respondía a ese nombre así que decidimos dejárselo a él, era tan lindo e indefenso, estaba en un estado de desnutrición y contaminados con pulgas, enseguida le dimos un buen baño y lo llevamos al veterinario para un chequeo general y le colocarán sus vacunas.
    Hoy tiene 11 años desde que llegó a casa con su carita tierna
    y noble, es muy inteligente y rápidamente aprendió a hacer sus necesidades afuera.


2) What was the funniest thing that happened to you with your pet?

Manchas loves to dance with me and I with him, my daughters tell me that I am crazy that if I like to invent, but we both enjoy it and have a fun time, he is always next to him waiting for a caress he is my spoiled dog son, already that I had no sons.


He cut his hair, it grows very fast and sometimes I can't take it to the hairdresser, so I do it myself at home, he behaves very well, he stays calm and very relaxed.


We celebrate his birthday with great emotion every year. We do something fun to entertain him.


  1. ¿Qué fue lo más divertido que te pasó con tu mascota?
    A Manchas le encanta bailar conmigo y ami con él, mis hijas me dicen que estoy loca que si me gusta inventar, pero los dos lo disfrutamos y nos divertimos, él siempre está a su lado esperando una caricia él es mi hijo de peruuno mimado, ya que no tuve hijos.
    Le corto el pelo, le crece muy rápido y a veces no puedo llevarlo a la peluquería, así que lo hago yo misma en casa, se porta muy bien, se mantiene tranquilo y muy relajado.
    Celebramos su cumpleaños con mucha emoción cada año. Hacemos algo divertido para entretenerlo.


(3) What is your pet's favorite food?

Well, Manchas eats everything, his favorite food is the dog although sometimes he prefers rice with chicken.

We take care that his diet is the most suitable for him.


(3) ¿Cuál es la comida favorita de tu mascota?
Bueno Manchas come de todo, su comida favorita es la perrarina aunque aveces prefiere el arroz con pollo.
Cuidamos que su alimentación sea la más adecuado para el.


Since I was little in my mother's house we always had pets, my mother had eight dogs at the same time. I remember one of them with much affection, his name was ponky, he was very overprotective with me and my sisters, he did not allow anyone to approach us, he was our guardian.
We had to be very careful when we received visitors.

Desde que era pequeña en mi casa materna siempre tuvimos mascotas, mi mamá llego a tener ocho perros a la vez. Recuerdo uno de ellos con mucho cariño se llamaba ponky era muy sobre protector conmigo y mis hermanas, no permitía que nadie se nos acercará era nuestro guardián.
Había que tener mucho cuidado cuando recibíamos visitas.

When I got married and had my home, I did not hesitate for a second to adopt my own pet, before Manchas we had several that are no longer with us unfortunately.

Cuando me casé y tuve mi casa, no dudé ni un segundo en adoptar mi propia mascota, antes de las Manchas teníamos varias que lamentablemente ya no están con nosotros.

One fine day the opportunity to adopt Manchas was given as it was a gift from a client of my husband and my daughters would be happy to have him.

Un buen día se dio la oportunidad de adoptar a Manchas ya que era un regalo de un cliente de mi esposo y mis hijas estarían felices por tenerlo.

Although I have always said that it was a gift, but in reality we rescued him, he was careless, they did not give him the attention that a pet deserves.

Aunque yo siempre he dicho que fue un regalo, pero en realidad lo rescatamos, el estaba descuidado no le daban la atención que améritaba una mascota.

Pets are part of the family and we must care for and love them.


Las mascotas son parte de la familia y debemos cuidarlas y quererlas.

This is my entry to the @OCD contest Knowing your pet

Esta es mi entrada al concurso de @OCD Conociendo a tu mascota



Se nota que Manchas está llena de amor y consentimiento. Son definitivamente, parte de nuestra familia. Bellas fotos @maryraro05

Maravilloso y te felicito por adoptarlo, cuidarlo y darle tanto amor!

Wow 10 years, it's amazing to have a pet for so long, it already becomes part of the family.