[ENG/ESP]Fifo arrived wounded: The importance of caring for our pets

in Hive Pets2 years ago


Saludos bella comunidad de @hivepets, y a todos los amantes de las mascotas, les deseo se encuentren bien y disfrutando de la compañía y cariño de sus mascotas.

Tener mascotas implica responsabilidad y compromiso no es solo tenerlos de compañía, hay que saber que debemos atenderlos y cubrir todas sus necesidades básicas, y sobretodo darles cariño y atención.

Greetings beautiful community of @hivepets, and to all pet lovers, I wish you are well and enjoy the company and love of your pets.

Having pets implies responsibility and commitment, it is not just having them as a company, we must know that we must take care of them and cover all their basic needs, and above all give them love and attention.

En mi hogar tenemos actualmente cinco gatos entre ellos tres hembras y dos machos.
Cada uno es especial para nosotros y con una personalidad distinta, todos están esterilizados, porque sabemos que es lo mejor para ellos ya que así prevenimos que desarrollen ciertas enfermedades, evitamos las sobrepoblación y aseguramos una mejor salud y calidad de vida.

In my home we currently have five cats including three females and two males.
Each one is special to us and with a different personality, they are all sterilized, because we know that it is the best for them since this is how we prevent them from developing certain diseases, avoid overpopulation and ensure better health and quality of life.







Cuando alguno de ellos está enfermo o tiene un comportamiento diferente llamamos al veterinario y él nos aclara las dudas o viene a examinarlos, realmente han sido pocas las ocasiones que ha venido porque ellos se han enfermado poco.

Sólo una ocasión cuando Rayita tenía en algunas partes de su cuerpo pelones que resultó ser hongos pero que con tratamiento y mucha paciencia mejoró.

Y cuando vino a desparacitarlos cosa que no es fácil ya que como les decía son cinco gatos.

Hay ocasiones en que alguno llega con raspaduras y cortes que yo misma pudo curar como resultó con Fifo que llegó con un golpe fuerte en su frente pero que limpie y agregué crema cicatrizante y ahora esta mejor.

When one of them is sick or behaves differently, we call the vet and he clears up our doubts or comes to examine them. There have really been few occasions when he has come because they have rarely gotten sick.

Only one time when Rayita had bald spots on some parts of her body that turned out to be fungus but with treatment and a lot of patience she got better.

And when he came to deworm them, which is not easy since, as I was saying, there are five cats.

There are times when someone arrives with scrapes and cuts that I was able to heal myself as it turned out with Fifo who came with a strong blow to his forehead but I cleaned and added healing cream and now he is better.




Así que, si estas pensando en buscar una mascota ten presente que no es un juguete, sino un ser vivo que necesita amor y atención.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con un teléfono inteligente Samsung A12 y el texto fue convertido al inglés con el traductor de Google.

Gracias por leerme y los espero en un próximo post.

So as I said, if you are thinking of looking for a pet, keep in mind that it is not a toy, but a living being that needs love and attention.

All photos were taken with a Samsung A12 smartphone and the text was converted to English using Google Translate.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing you in a future post.


Nice one! Post like this let me still believe in humans.......
Please look after all your pets.....
I found that DMSO is great for animals and also humans, we use it on our cats and it helps with most of the bruises and stuff like that...please research it, DMSO....its quite cheap also and last for a long time.....
and remember not to feed the cats with dry food...its poison.....

Peace and love!
In Lak'ech!

Hello @cryptopaddy801 thanks, I used a cream that the Fifo did very well since it heals quite quickly, I like to take care of them since they are so defenseless, they only eat cat food, greetings.