[Esp-Eng] Mantente alerta por los que no tienen voz / Stay alert for those who have no voice

in Hive Pets3 years ago (edited)
¡Saludos a toda la comunidad! Esta es mi primera publicación en Hive Pets y les traigo un tema algo triste pero sin duda de importancia ya que podría suceder en cualquier parte y afectar a nuestras mascotas y a los animales que hacen vida en las calles.

Greetings to the whole community! This is my first post in Hive Pets and I bring you a somewhat sad subject but certainly of importance since it could happen anywhere and affect our pets and the animals that live on the streets.


Hace un par de años junto a varios proteccionistas de animales quisimos tomar acciones para que la gente conociera sobre un caso de matanza de perros en la ciudad, así que organizamos una manifestación en la avenida principal y como soy periodista convoqué a varios colegas para que difundieran la información en los medios.

A couple of years ago together with several animal protectionists we wanted to take actions so that people knew about a case of dog killing in the city, so we organized a protest on the main avenue and as I am a journalist I summoned several colleagues to spread the information in the media.



En el terrible caso estaban involucrados dos hombres quienes fueron capturados in fraganti en una plaza céntrica de la ciudad cuando trataban de llevarse a tres perros. Estos sujetos lamentablemente fueron liberados seis días después, aún cuando confesaron que mataban a los canes para consumir su carne y algunas personas los habían visto vendiéndola como si fuera de res o de cabra. El problema es que nadie hizo una denuncia formal y por eso la policía no pudo retenerlos ni procesarlos.

Two men were involved in the terrible case, who were caught red-handed in a downtown square of the city when they tried to take three dogs. These guys were unfortunately released six days later, even though they confessed that they killed the dogs to consume their meat and some people had seen them selling it as if it were beef or goat. The problem is that no one made a formal complaint and therefore the police couldn't detain or process them.


Ustedes se preguntarán ¿es delito comer carne de perro? Legalmente no lo es, sin embargo estas personas podían haber sido procesadas por la justicia por engañar al consumidor diciendo que era carne de vaca o cabra y también por las condiciones en las que comercializaban esta carne, ya que lo hacían en la calle sin ninguna medida sanitaria.

You may wonder, is it a crime to eat dog meat? Legally it isn't, however these people could have been prosecuted by the courts for deceiving the consumer saying that it was beef or goat meat and also for the conditions in which they sold this meat, since they did it in the street without any hygiene.


Esta manifestación la organizamos en poco tiempo, convocando a las personas por whatsapp y redes sociales y al llegar el día nos sorprendimos de la cantidad de gente que acudió, eramos más de 30 personas.

We organized this protest in a short time, by summoning people through WhatsApp and social networks and when the day arrived we were surprised by the number of people who came, we were more than 30 people.


Utilizamos pancartas y volantes y aprovechamos cuando el semáforo se ponía en rojo para hablar con los conductores de los vehículos y las personas que iban transitando por allí sobre esta matanza de perros y lo que implicaba, no solamente le quitaron la vida a estos pobres animales, unos 40, sino también que este lamentable caso afectaba a la salud pública, porque las personas que consumieron esta carne corrían el riesgo de contraer enfermedades ya que muchos de estos perros estaban enfermos o bajo tratamiento médico por distintos padecimientos.

We used banners and flyers and took advantage of when the traffic light turned red to talk with the drivers of the vehicles and the people who were passing by about this killing of dogs and what it implied, they not only took the lives of these poor animals, about 40, but also that this unfortunate case affected public health, because the people who consumed this meat ran the risk of contracting diseases since many of these dogs were sick or under medical treatment for different ailments.

Muchas personas se sorprendieron al conocer el caso y nos dijeron que no sabían de esta situación, mientras que otros habían visto la información por redes sociales y apoyaban que se le diera seguimiento al caso para evitar que siguiera ocurriendo.

Many people were surprised to learn of the case and told us that they didn't know about this situation, while others had seen the information on social networks and supported that the case be followed up to prevent it from continuing to occur.


Durante la protesta alertamos a todas las personas que ante cualquier sospecha sobre la procedencia de alguna carne, sobre todo la que se comercializa de manera ambulante, en las calles, se debe denunciar en el Ministerio Público y en Sanidad.

During the protest, we alert all the people that when there is any suspicion about the origin of any meat, especially that which is marketed on an itinerant basis, on the streets, it should be reported at the Public Ministry and at the Health offices.

Recuerdo que por esos días en varias partes del centro de la ciudad varios proteccionistas de animales habían pegado en las paredes las fotos de estos dos tipos para que la gente los reconociera y si los veía por ahí tratando de hacer lo mismo, los pudiera denunciar. Días después yo vi a uno de estos hombres vendiendo mangos tranquilamente en la calle y me dio mucha rabia.

I remember that in those days in various parts of the city center several animal protectionists had pasted the photos of these two guys on the walls so that people would recognize them and if they saw them out there trying to do the same, they could report them. Days later I saw one of these men quietly selling mangoes in the street and that made me very angry!

Creo que a pesar de que estos tipos no fueron castigados como debió ser, con nuestra protesta logramos visibilizar un hecho nefasto y poner en alerta a los ciudadanos para que actúen de alguna manera por los que no tienen voz.

I think that despite the fact that these guys were not punished as they should have been, with our protest we managed to make a horrible event visible and alert citizens to act in some way for those who have no voice.


Actualmente en mi país, Venezuela, se está trabajando en una nueva ley para proteger a los animales, tanto domésticos como salvajes, y se contemplan penas severas para quienes los maltratan o los asesinan.

Currently in my country, Venezuela, a new law is being worked on to protect animals, both domestic and wild, and severe penalties are contemplated for those who mistreat or kill them.

¡Recuerda que tú también puedes actuar y ayudar a los animales!

Remember that you too can act and help animals!


Fotos hechas por mí con mi teléfono celular Orinoquia / Photos taken by me with my Orinoquia cell phone


Amazing initiative from you guys! Really happy to see something like this even in countries like Venezuela where people have enough troubles taking care of themselves. I am so glad there are still people like you who care for animals too. My pleasure to support this post with a bif Tipu vote :)

@tipu curate 3

Thank you very much @phortun for your support and words! Certainly we live in difficult times in the country and sometimes it is not easy to do this type of thing because people are busy trying to cope with the crisis, however this issue of animal protection has been very receptive fortunately and more and more people are interested and they help in any way they can :)

I am really happy to hear this Sofia :) Thank you for all your great and inspiring work.