I didn't have time to react ...

in Hive Pets3 years ago

After an intense day of work in which I could not dedicate much time to my greyhound Enzo, I closed the computer, put the harness and leash on him and we went for a walk on the hill near my house.
In our walk, we found a good place where Enzo could run freely without danger of cars and with other friends of his kind with whom to do good races.
And so he did, he ran as he had never done before, as if he were an elite athlete, giving his best in every stride, really, it was a real spectacle to see him run and enjoy like that.
Unfortunately, in one of his runs with another greyhound, Enzo unexpectedly diverted his trajectory, trying to get away from his pursuer.
Bad luck drove him towards what looked like a small wall, or at least it was from the side from which he was coming at full speed.
Upon encountering the wall, my young greyhound saw no other option than to jump it without expecting that on the other side of it there was emptiness.
Enzo fell so from a height of about 12 meters...
I was afraid of the worst, I didn't have time to react, I just saw it fly and disappear behind the wall, almost in slow motion... then the howl of pain...
I ran towards him like crazy, Enzo was alive fortunately although he was bleeding from multiple injuries and his front legs were resting in an unnatural way...
I took him in my arms and with the help of a nearby walker we transferred him to the nearest emergency veterinary clinic to us.

Today's diagnosis has ruled out internal problems or rupture of a vital organ, however, both of his wrists have serious injuries... on the left he has a broken carpus, on the right a torn ligament.


On the one hand I'm relieved, Enzo will survive ... but on the other, I have doubts that I'll ever see him run like he did again...
The traumatologist is still evaluating the options and planning the surgery that should be performed shortly...
I just hope that everything goes well and that I can enjoy my friend for many more years.


Probrecito! qué susto! afortunadamente está sanando. Yo tenia una gata que no sabemos bien qué le pasó pero le tuvimos que amputar una de las patas delanteras y cambió un montón! antes era arisca después buscaba cariño y con el tiempo volvió a trepar las paredes.

😮 Que pobre... yo tube un pastor Vasco hasta hace 3 meses y se rompio una pata de adelante, pero joder, las dos jodidas... menos mal no tiene almenos roturas, esa raza en especial necesita moverse y correr libremente mas que ninguna 😟

Mañana lo operan...a ver qué tal

We hope Enzo recovers very soon. It is very unfortunate what happened.

I am sorry to see that your dog was hurt in an accident in which the dog loves to run. I hope that he will get well fast and be back to normal soon. Hope that his surgery go's well.

Ah... so sorry for him! ☹️
I hope he have a fast recovery and that he will not remain with physical problems or fears...

Man... you have made tears flow from my eyes while I was reading you... What unfortunately event, it breaks my heart how everything can goes down in a couple of seconds.

Hope everything goes fine in the surgery!

Very sorry to hear that. Good luck for the surgery. He's young and dogs are very resilient creatures, I hope all goes well.

Joder, m'ha sapigut fatal llegir això... espero que s'acabi quedant en anècdota, pero ho dubto. Una abraçada.. i ens hem de veure

Espero que es pugui recuperar aviat.

Aixo espero...es encara molt jove

Sorry for him. I hope he recovers well. Miracles happen.

Thanks my friend

aw, so sorry about his injuries. I hope he recovers well. What an unusual and bad accident.

Poor Enzo. Hope he heals up nicely :)