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RE: Am I Qualified To Be Here? 🧐

Oh how can I forget that cake was my favorite...erm I think the reason was that..I started developing big belly which wasn't good for a lady like me. I detest it with all passion and so rather I abandoned the cake and used fruits as my appetizers.
I love the way the cake is decorated and sexy lol


Oh! Big bellied, no no no.
I don't think cakes are a factor for that. It's just some unexplainable natural condition which isn't really bad if kept within limits.

Fruits are such lovely additions, if the prices of my favorites could come down sha. Apples, Melons and Pears.

Thanks for loving the rookie's decorations. 😆

Yes they're a major factor for protruding belly...I don't believe it till I made research and since I stopped having those desserts I stopped having that belly. Buh honestly, I still don't believe it and my friend okay keep eating nau....?
I Ioveeeee cakes