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hahaha you do an excellent and very valuable job of taking care to understand what is being talked about. I was very surprised to find the word arepas in a post by someone who lives in Scotland, that is, on a very, very distant and unknown planet hahaha. Arepas are a typical Venezuelan dish, although I also know that it is popular in neighboring Colombia.

Just now I just ate some very delicious arepas. Normally we have breakfast with arepas, but these were a little different because from yesterday's meal there were some vegetables "batata" (sweet potato) and "auyama" (pumpkin), I pureed them and then mixed them with the precooked corn flour that is with those of us who make the arepas. Then I roasted them and put a little butter on them, then a puree of "aguacate" (avocado) and shredded chicken with some vegetables and zucchini. I also accompanied it with a green tea with hot lemon.

I think I talked too much just hearing that you mentioned the arepas hahaha Excuse me πŸ˜₯😎😁

What is the point of reading without understanding? I know the writer is trying to tell me something, so it is my job to understand what I am being told. That is the only way I can fully relate.

The way you desbribed this Arepas is making me really crave it...there is so much that goes on into making this delicious dish. I have never even seen a pumpkin either. There's chicken, avocado, corn, potato, and zucchini. Zucchini looks like cucumber. This Arepas is one healthy food, or maybe it's you recipe that is so delicious.

I think I talked too much just hearing that you mentioned the arepas

No way. I am really glad you did. I now know a little about Venezuela and its people, and how they love Arepas.

You haven't seen a pumpkin either. The truth is that I'm tired of eating pumpkin because mom abused her when we were kids and made us eat more than we should hahaha. She still uses it a lot, so do I, but mostly I eat it because I know it's healthy.

Arepas are fairly healthy hahaha because they are usually made from precooked cornmeal but it is processed and does not have much fiber, some are enriched with vitamins. Healthier are those made with natural corn, parboiled, drained and then ground. Add a little salt, knead and roast or fry in enough oil. The fries are super tasty but too many calories so I always make them grilled. You can fill them with anything. Today I put perhaps more than usual. I like them plain with butter and cheese (because I love cheese) or even plain with just butter if they're hot, but they're also not as nutritious πŸͺβ˜•.