Times of Educational Changes

in Home Edders2 years ago


Greetings dear community Home edders back here taking up the educational topics needed at all times.

In Venezuela we are still concerned about the issue of resuming face-to-face classes. Many countries in the world have resumed classes little by little but we have nothing to do. Among the many factors that prevent the return to class, the teachers' salaries do not even reach five dollars. Faced with this sad reality, teachers have been absent from the classrooms to undertake from other areas or on their own through some productive project.

Currently the debate is between sending or not sending children and young people to class, or maintaining classes under the semi-presential and distance modalities. On the one hand, teachers fear that the institutions will not be supported one hundred percent with biosecurity measures and other important attentions, and on the other hand, parents and representatives fear the same thing.

The truth of the matter is that at this point there is no agreement to improve teachers' salaries, no security measures are guaranteed, and no effective strategies can be applied for students in Venezuela.

What to do in the face of this oppressive reality of the rights of children and adolescents to education?

To keep on complaining would be ideal but we seem to be in front of a people that surrenders in the face of the clear lack of interest in seeking improvements for the Venezuelan Educational System.

Those of us who cannot give up in spite of the cruel reality are the parents and representatives. At this time there is a need to search for tools to keep education active, even if it is from home, but with clear and effective intentions.

I have commented in other publications the teaching and learning processes that I apply to my grandson every time we go for a walk. Putting children in real contexts where they apply their knowledge is a real effective, efficient and I assure you, very effective method.

While the government agrees to recognize its lack of interest in education, parents should not waste time and look for excuses to always keep children busy in educational activities. An excuse to learn can be through play, sports, cooking, free conversations, walks and evaluation of the context, discussions about their favorite series, among others.

Every day, in any context we can take advantage of the education of our children. Let us not allow discouragement to contaminate us. Let us go ahead always giving our best to the act of educating.

Education in the world has changed, it has evolved. In the past we needed classrooms to memorize content, today education requires debates, interactions, learning by discovery. It is not necessary to think about the education of the past, but the education of the future.

¡Gracias por leer, comentar y votar!

Foto de mi propiedad @belkisa758. Fotografía tomada desde mi teléfono Samsung A-30


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As this discusses the school situation rather than homeschooling, can I recommend using the more general Education community and reserve this community more for posts focusing on homeschooling.

Thank You!! 🤗

Pensar en la educación venezolana inevitablemente me llena de una gran tristeza, sobre todo cuando pienso en lo elitista que se ha convertido, porque no todos los niños y jóvenes están sin clase. Los padres que pueden pagar un colegio privado, una maestra particular han seguido su proceso educativo escolarizado, los universitarios cuyos padres pueden pagarle el transporte y el equipo de bioseguridad al profesor están recibiendo sus clases presenciales o aquellos que tienen una persona en su hogar que pueden orientarlos en su proceso de aprendizaje. ¿Quiénes están quedando fuera de todo proceso educativo? los niños cuyos padres apenas tienen para darles algo de comer, que trabajan todo el día y no pueden o no tiene los recursos (conocimientos, destrezas e interés ) para ponerse con ellos y lamentablemente son la mayoría, ¡AAAh! @belkisa758 no hablemos de educación que ya casi llegó diciembre😊

Es muy cierto @damarysvibra, lentablemente se impuso el clasismo. Mejor hablemos de navidad 🥳👏 jaajaja

Here in our country education is still mixed (online, module, and face-to-face). As of now, I think we are already seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and soon all students will return to normal classrooms or face-to-face educaiton.

Well, statistically, every year lost adds up to three years of delay, in addition to the pandemic, other problems have also played a role. We must move forward. Thank you for sharing.

You're welcome (^_^)