in Home Edders3 years ago
Hello friends of Home Edders parents, education agents and all members of this community who are committed to homeschooling. My article today is totally informative about what is homeschooling, this because homeschooling is not something new nor is it a product of the pandemic I want to make that clear, certainly thanks to the pandemic and, if thanks to it, many of us have discovered homeschooling does not mean that it is a new activity and that it lacks legality. Today I want to show you some key points to understand homeschooling.

Hola amigos de Home Edders padres, agentes de educación y todos los miembros de esta comunidad que están comprometidos con la educación en casa. Mi artículo de hoy es totalmente informativo acerca de lo que es la educación en casa, esto a raíz de que la educación en casa no es algo nuevo ni tampoco producto de la pandemia eso quiero dejarlo claro, ciertamente gracias a la pandemia y, si gracias a ella, muchos hemos descubierto la educación en casa no quiere decir que sea una actividad nueva y que carezca de legalidad. Hoy desee mostrarles algunos puntos clave para comprender la educación en casa.

Source: freepik.es

First, I must confirm that I am an advocate of home schooling -as you have probably noticed if I have gone through your posts and excuse me if sometimes I get passionate when defending what I love- which is totally valid and legal in 30 countries worldwide, among the most prominent is Australia, Canada, New Zealand and in the United States in 50 states is totally legal, these are examples of an educational system that assumes the right to education of children and recognizes not only the duty but the right of parents to choose the type of training, methods and strategies that they will use to do so. It is not a decision of a moment or a forced fact that has caused many families around the world to decide to educate their children at home, even the Home Education project is much bigger than we can all imagine and from this platform we contribute a little to its promotion.

Primero, debo confirmar que soy una defensora de la educación en casa –como seguramente ya se habrán dado cuenta si he pasado por sus post y disculpen si a veces me apasiono al defender lo que amo- la cuales totalmente válida y legal en 30 países a nivel mundial, entre los más destacados se encuentra Australia, Canadá, Nueva Zelanda y en Estados Unidos en 50 estados es totalmente legal, estos se constituyen como ejemplos de un sistema educativo que asume el derecho a la educación de los niños y reconoce no sólo el deber sino el derecho que tienen los padres de elegir el tipo de formación, métodos y estrategias que emplearan para hacerlo. No se trata de una decisión de un momento o de un hecho forzoso que haya originado que muchas familias en todo el planeta decidan educar a sus hijos en el hogar, incluso el proyecto de Educación en Casa es mucho más grande de lo que todos nos podemos imaginar y desde está plataforma aportamos un poco a su promoción.

The legal framework of home education is based on international human rights law and more specifically in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966 in Article 13 (1) and in the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989, Article 29, and in each country where it is accepted, its legal framework is established, where the basis is that the child is the first beneficiary of education, which must be in accordance with and respond to certain objectives, which are: Development of personality, aptitudes, mental and physical capacity to enhance their skills and abilities.

El marco legal de la educación en casa se fundamenta en el derecho internacional desde los derechos humanos y más específicamente en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos Sociales y Culturales de 1966 en su artículo 13 (1) y en la Convención Sobre los Derechos del Niño 1989 artículo 29 y en cada país donde es aceptada se establece su marco legal donde la base es que el niño y niña es el primer beneficiario de la educación, la cual debe estar en concordancia y responder a ciertos objetivos los cuales son: Desarrollo de la personalidad, las aptitudes, capacidad mental y física hasta potenciar sus habilidades y capacidades.

Families who have opted for home schooling have done so for different reasons, including respect for the family's way of thinking depending on its culture and religion, the right to choose a flexible educational model, the right to the development of the personality in a favorable environment and even in my research there is the economic factor in which it should be mentioned that there are families whose option was home schooling because in their countries they could not afford the expense of having a child in the school system, since education is not free in all countries of the world. Another factor is that the parents or the family depended economically on a job that required the mobilization of all its members every so often to different parts of the same country or outside of it, which prevented the student from studying in a single institution during the school year, and finally, health impediments.

Las familias que han optado por la educación en casa lo han hecho por diferentes motivos que incluso se encuentran el respeto a la forma de pensar dependiendo de una cultura y religión que tenga la familia, el derecho a elegir un modelo educativo flexible, el derecho al desarrollo de la personalidad en un ambiente favorable e incluso en mis investigaciones se encuentra el factor económico en el cual se debe mencionar que hay familias cuya opción fue la educación en casa porque en sus países no podían costear el gasto que significa el tener a un niño dentro del sistema escolar, debido no en todos los países del mundo la educación es gratuita. Otro factor es que los padres o la familia dependiera económicamente de un empleo donde se exigiera la movilización cada cierto de tiempo de todos sus miembros a distintas partes del mismo país o fuera de este lo que impidiera que el estudiante cursara sus estudios en una sola institución durante el año escolar y finalmente impedimentos de salud.

Source:Image for free use statista.com

Homeschooling began to become popular in 1980 and from then on it has continued its way and more and more countries and families are adopting this system, to such an extent that in the United States the Home Education Legal Defense Association was created by a group of lawyers who offer their services free of charge to families who wish to process the homeschooling document.

La educación en casa comienza a popularizarse en 1980 y de allí en adelante ha continuado su camino y cada vez son más países y familias que adoptan este sistema, a tal punto que en estados unidos se crea la Asociación de Defensa Legal para la Educación en el Hogar conformada por un grupo de abogados que ofrecen gratuitamente sus servicios a las familias que desean tramitar el documento de educación en casa.

Another striking point is that education at home is provided from the age of 4 to 16 or 18 years old, depending on the country, after that people can freely take an exam where they are given their high school certificate and can opt for their place in any university, their certification is fully valid and issued by the corresponding ministry or department of education. Likewise, if at any time the family decides that their child should enter an educational institution, they also have the option of presenting the validation test with respect to the corresponding school cycle.

Otro punto llamativo es que la educación en casa se encuentra plasmada desde los 4 años hasta los 16 ó 18 años según el país luego de eso las personas pueden libremente presentar un examen donde se les entrega su certificado de bachillerato y pueden optar por su cupo en cualquier universidad, su certificación es totalmente válida emitida por el ministerio o departamento de educación correspondiente. De igual forma, si en algún momento la familia decidiera que su hijo ingrese en una institución educativa también tiene la opción de presentar la prueba de convalidación con respecto al ciclo escolar que le corresponde.

In order not to make this article much longer, my point is that although some of us have surely discovered homeschooling in the midst of the pandemic, it is much more than an option at a time when schools are closed, it is a wonderful way to educate our children in freedom of conscience, love, respect and much more. There is still much to be said but the path has been decided, today there are many more of us who value home schooling, there are many more good experiences that are making it a valid option in all countries.

Ya para no hacer mucho más largo el artículo mi punto es que aunque algunos de nosotros seguramente, hayamos descubierto la educación en casa en medio de la pandemia esta es mucho más que la opción de un momento donde las escuelas están cerradas, ella es una maravillosa forma de educar a nuestros hijos en libertad de conciencia, en amor, respeto y mucho más. Aún queda mucho por decir pero el camino está decidido hoy somos muchos más los que valoramos la educación en casa son muchas más las buenas experiencias que están haciendo que en todos los países está sea una opción válida.

Now I would like you to tell me if homeschooling is legal in your country and if you know how to opt for it?

¿Ahora me gustaría que me contaras si en tu país la educación en casa es legal y si sabes cómo optar a ella?



It is certainly not a new process, we could even say that it has always existed since in the old days it was the only form of instruction. Nowadays with the formality of schools, and the bureaucracy that adorns the institutions, it is not in many places a legal option for parents who want to train their children in a teaching environment different from the walls of a classroom, but certainly at all times should be a way to accompany the learning of children and prevent them from dragging the deficiencies of the educational system that prevails in schools.

I'll have to try to remember to come back to this and see what responses we have from across the world with regards the legality of home education.

That map confused me for a moment, because I'm used to the sea being blue. I was wondering why I didn't recognise any of the land shapes. 😅

Hello my dear, my intention with the post is to show the panorama of homeschooling from what it really is, because, I think there are many people who speak or criticize negatively homeschooling without considering that it is not something of the moment, this is a formal and valid education system, this space in the community of @homeedders allows us to create a debate of height around this topic, here is a valuable and significant contribution regarding everything that parents are doing today to educate their children from home beyond the popularity of this educational system comes from the hand of pandemic, surely for those who are on this path where everything is new to them will face difficulties as they have done but think about home education beyond the pandemic is a wonderful option to make the education system in the world is better.
And well the map certainly I think the choice of its creator to be all in blue is a little strange but I found it a good source of interest, I try to modify the images of others even if they are free to use ha ha ha. Thanks always for your support and yes I hope to make a summary with the answers of the post to show next weekend as a contribution of our community to the valuation and legalization worldwide of homeschooling.

Hello excellent post it is good to have the right information, in my country Venezuela home schooling is not considered legal even the constitution states that education will be in charge only of state institutions, but in my country there are many public schools, However, I consider from the point of view of the right that should be given to families to choose the educational system that is in accordance with what they consider is an appropriate way for their children because they are the ones who can ensure personalized attention from what international law states in education from the development of skills and potential according to the culture, religion and way of thinking of their environment, giving freedom of thought to the child who is in formation. As we see in the post, education at home is not just a matter of a moment, it is a system of legal and formal training.

Thank you very much for your contribution certainly from the legality there is much to discuss in terms of education at home, especially in countries where it is not yet recognized because it really is an issue that deserves our attention, the education system at the level of institutions is getting worse every day and we must turn our eyes to what is really important the integral formation of people from their childhood.

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