Dressing a May Cross with crepe paper, to strengthen fine motor skills [EN] // Vistiendo una Cruz de Mayo con papel crepé, para fortalecer la Motricidad Fina [ES]

in Home Edders3 years ago
This week my mother has helped me a lot with Mathias' activities, I must say that I will never find how to pay her to help me with that, there are days when I really do not have time to do the school activities with him, so having her is a blessing, however, there was one activity that she told me she couldn't find a way to do with him, because Mathias doesn't like to do activities that include big drawings, the truth is that he gets lazy having to paint them, so after evaluating how to work this activity with him, I ended up choosing to work on fine motor skills, since it is something we haven't worked on for quite a while.

This Monday was celebrated in my country the day of La Cruz de Mayo, it is a tradition that is done every third of May where a cross is "dressed" with bright colors to honor nature, and thank in advance the coming rainy season that help crops. We ended up doing this activity yesterday, Wednesday, due to my lack of time. I wanted to make a colorful design emulating the traditional crosses that decorate the countryside of my town, and that use this type of colors because the flowers of this season usually have those colors.

To begin with I invited him to color some flowers that were at the foot of the cross, at first he did not want to but then he got excited with the idea of working with crepe paper and glue, working with something different from what he commonly does every day is something that excites every child. It is important to strengthen fine motor skills in our little ones, as this creates strength for everyday activities, although activities such as painting and even the training are also considered part of what develops fine motor skills, other activities that include strengthening the muscles of the hands and the combination of vision are also very important, and this was one of the first activities that I started working with Mathias a couple of years ago and the truth is that he loved it.

This time, unlike others in which we make little balls of crepe paper to then glue on the paper and go filling a figure, I wanted to join only a part of the paper so as to create a kind of curtain that would be superimposed one color over another. I thought it would be an easier and faster activity and the truth is that at first it was a little difficult because he just wrinkled the paper and it was not as we had planned.

When we got to the widest part of the cross, Mathias wanted to abandon the project hahaha, so I had to help him a little to motivate him, the truth is that this cross is one of the largest drawings that he has been sent to do at school, it took about an hour wearing colors this cross that in the end he told me that, if it looked like a girl's dress by the shape of the skirts, so I think he understood what I wanted to do. The development of fine motor skills is something that I want to reinforce in Mathias to create a little more independence for him, for example when he dresses himself, as it is currently something that costs him a little work and this type of activities are very helpful.

Images of my property, taken with the camera of my Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S Edited with Snapseed and PicsArt.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions, I would appreciate it if you put them in the comment box, and remember, You too can make magic in the kitchen and wherever you go!


Esta semana mi madre me ha ayudado mucho con las actividades de Mathias, debo decir que nunca encontrare como pagarle que me ayude con eso, hay días en los que realmente no alcanzo a tener tiempo para hacer las actividades escolares con él, así que tenerla a ella es una bendición, sin embargo, hubo una actividad que me comento que no encontraba como hacerla con él, pues a Mathias no le gusta hacer actividades que incluyan grandes dibujos, la verdad es que le da pereza tener que pintarlos, así que después de evaluar como trabajar esta actividad con él, termine optando por trabajar la motricidad fina, ya que es algo en lo que no hemos trabajado desde hace un buen rato.

Este lunes se celebró en mi país el día de La Cruz de Mayo, es una tradición que se hace cada tres de mayo en donde se "viste" una cruz con vivos colores para honrar a la naturaleza, y agradecer de antemano la venidera temporada de lluvias que ayudan a los cultivos. Pues esta actividad la terminamos haciendo ayer miércoles por mi falta de tiempo. Quise que hiciera un diseño colorido emulando a las tradicionales cruces que decoran en el campo de mi pueblo, y que usan este tipo de colores porque las flores de esta época tienen por lo general esos colores.

Para comenzar lo invite a colorear unas flores que estaban en el pie de la cruz, al principio no quería pero ya luego se emocionó con la idea de trabajar con papel crepe y pega, trabajar con algo diferente a lo que comúnmente hace a diario es algo que a todo niño emociona. Es importante fortalecer la motricidad fina en nuestros pequeños, pues esto les crea fortaleza para actividades cotidianas, aunque actividades como pintar e incluso el aprestamiento también se consideran parte de lo que desarrolla la motricidad fina, otras actividades en las que se incluye el fortalecimiento de los músculos de las manos y la combinación de la visión son también muy importantes, y esta fue una de las primeras actividades que comencé a trabajar con Mathias hace un par de años y la verdad es que le encanto.

Esta vez a diferencia de otras en las que hacemos bolitas de papel crepe para luego pegar en el papel e ir rellenando una figura, quise que solo uniera una parte del papel de manera que se creara una especie de cortina que se iría sobreponiendo un color sobre otro. Pensé que sería una actividad más fácil y rápida y lo cierto es que al principio se nos hizo un poco difícil ya que el solo arrugaba todo el papel y no quedaba como lo habíamos planificado.

Cuando llegamos a la parte más ancha de la cruz, Mathias quiso abandonar el proyecto jajaja, así que me toco ayudarlo un poco para motivarlo, la verdad es que esta cruz es de los dibujos más grandes que le han mandado a hacer en la escuela, tardamos aproximadamente una hora vistiendo de colores esta cruz que al final me dijo que, si parecía un vestido de niña por la forma de las faldas, así que creo que entendió lo que yo quería hacer. El desarrollo de la motricidad fina es algo que quiero reforzar en Mathias para crearle un poco más de independencia por ejemplo al momento de vestirse solo, ya que actualmente es algo que le cuesta un poco de trabajo y este tipo de actividades le son de mucha ayuda.

Imágenes de mi propiedad, tomadas con la cámara de mi Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S Editadas con Snapseed y PicsArt.

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer esta publicación, si tiene alguna pregunta, crítica o sugerencia, la agradecería que la pusiera en la caja de comentarios, y recuerda, ¡Tú también puedes hacer magia en la cocina ya dondequiera que vayas!

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He did a great job, in the end. Was he pleased with it?

He definitely did very well, although he was about to give up a couple of times hahaha, and he was very satisfied, he had to show it to everyone who came home, he was very proud.

Really a wonderful project and a great job, it is not easy to work with crepe paper, because with the glue you have to be very careful not to make a mess, I congratulate you because the May cross is really beautiful.

The truth is that when I was little I didn't like to work with work, and my son doesn't like it very much, but thank God he does this kind of activities with dedication and does them much better than I could have done at his age hahaha.

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Super beautiful experience really yes, and the cross was beautiful.