It's So Easier for You

in Home Edders4 years ago

I'm receiving some bad comments from my entourage these times. The type of comment that makes me shiver.

For you it must be way soooo easier since your kids are already accustomed to being at home.

It drives me NUT! No! it's not easier! It's hard because my kids don't get to see their friends anymore, just like any kid. It's just as hard for children than for us as parents. To me, it's exactly the same. Actually, our job didn't stop because of the pandemic. We were parents, and we still are. What I hear from others is so wrong, because there is so much wrong in my country's education system, in my opinion of course.


They talk like school is what everyone does and must do to be a socially acceptable person. When we decided to unschool our children, most people around us tried to convince us not to. Because everything that is unknown is scary, right? My wife likes "scary". And damn was she right. I cannot tell if years from now if everything will go ok, but one thing I know. Sending them to school would've brought a whole other level of unknown.


If you ask me anytime now, I know how my children are doing. I know they are loved. I know what they need and what they want. I know what they're good at.


The "home" part of homeschooling still seems to cause some confusion, at least less so these days XD I remember there being efforts to try to change the popular term to things like "worldschooling" and "home based education" but they don't seem to have caught on, or at least not around here.

We're having similar dramas here, my younger two are whining about how bored they are as we can't go anywhere and they can't see their friends, but not whining too much because a) they are plenty old enough to understand what's going on and why things are as they are and b) nobody is allowed to be bored or endlessly whine in this house XD

🤣 Your point (b) really should be added to my house rules. 😂

I believe it's a self esteem thing. They've got to be more of a victim than someone else to feel important. Wouldn't want to acknowledge that this has actually always been this hard for you and that this lockdown has affected you too. There's a reason why homeschoolers have support groups.

Yes but support groups in my area are kind of small, I wish more people would join in.

I know what you mean. While there are a lot of homeschoolers across Adelaide, they are often spread out and usually mostly younger kids than mine were at the time. I ended up just focusing on their gymnastics as a socialising aspect, but that wasn't really helpful to me as a support.

You're doing great and the right thing! Don't worry about those comments of unconscious people. Be strong and continue to write about it. Your children are lucky many ways.

Thank you very much. Will do ;)

Oh, my kids talk about their friends more often these days. They miss them a lot too.

Sending them to school would've brought a whole other level of unknown.

Couldn't agree more. ☺️

Yes our kids are impacted by all this too. It also brings its share of anxiety.