in Hive Austria Meetups4 years ago (edited)

First of, I have to tell you that lately I have been preoccupied with everything to do with the dreaded Corona Virus. Spending time on Social Media, and via my website blog, to keep the Sheep from following the Lemmings over the cliff. I am a artist, not a scientist, but I had received enough academic training (including biology and social anthropology) to know enough, research and evaluate matters of science.
There is a dark agenda being pursued, and just taking what is dished out "officially" amounts to taking in sips of the cool-aid.
So much for my introduction - I had previously written about the subject of COVID-19 here on Hive. But my main work was on my website blog CORONA VIRUS. What follows are excerpts from one specific blog, the subject of which may be controversial - the mainstream media has bent over backwards to discredit this since it came up on social media and in various publications.

Originally written on May 2nd, I kept updating one specific blog post several times, as new findings emerged.



The major portion of my blog is in English, but some is also in German where either a equivalent English source does not exist, or it refers to a Austrian Government source (you will see below).

Mona Lisa with Mask - Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

About Face Masks and the dangers of wearing them because they could cause a condition called Hypoxia - first of, the clinical explanation what it is:

Hypoxia and hypoxemia facts

Hypoxia is a condition or state in which the supply of oxygen is insufficient for normal life functions.
Symptoms of hypoxia and/or hypoxemia may be acute or chronic and vary in intensity from mild to severe. Common acute symptoms are: shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and a fast heart rate.
Severe symptoms include: The inability to communicate, Confusion, Possible coma or death.
................................................... READ MORE

Next, this is what I had written about in comments before
(in German, I am now attempting to translate to English):

Please note because of masks - and ESPECIALLY the FFP-2 masks (or also N-95): first, there are different versions, basically either with or without a valve. The masks with valve protect you, but not others, precisely because you exhale through the valve.

The masks without a valve, but also to a certain extent the surgical masks, have one major disadvantage, namely rebreathing of CO² - and this can lead to shortness of breath. If the oxygen content of your breathing air is less than the minimum value of 19.5%, then you are in an endangered zone - a zone in which the canary in the coal mine drops off his perch and this indicates that you should quickly be getting out into the fresh air! If you get short of breath, get a headache and chest pressure, it does not mean that you are infected with COVID-19, but it means that you are suffering from a lack of oxygen, which in the case of only one percentage point below the lower limit can lead to dizziness, fainting and even death!

Here is the background, in a few words,
from a document that you find the link on the bottom of the quote:

In a doctoral thesis from the Technical University of Munich in 2005, examining the effects of wearing, among other things, simple protective masks. The conclusion is terrifying.
Immediately after putting on a normal thin surgical mask, you breathe in much more exhaled CO2. The effects are so strong that the doctoral student was only allowed to test the subjects over a period of 30 minutes so as not to damage them.
This leads to tiredness, faster breathing, irregular heartbeat, poor concentration, poorer fine motor skills.

Link to this paper (it is in German))

There is much more on my website blog you should check out HERE
I just give you the latest illustration I added to the blog today:

Häggström, Mikael (2014). "Medical gallery of Mikael Häggström 2014".

In a related matter, to illustrate the dangers of Hypoxia, see this video from a diving instructor:

Just to be clear: first they passed out because of Oxygen deprivation caused by Hypoxia, then drowned face down floating in the water.

On April 30. 2020 the Austrian Government amended its Law as follows:
COVID-19-Lockerungsverordnung – COVID-19-LV
This PDF document is the official legal document, written in German

On the bottom of it, you find this § (I translated it to English):

The wearing of a mechanical protective device covering the mouth and nose area does not apply to children up to the age of 6 and to persons who cannot be expected to wear the device for health reasons.

As I wrote initially, these are excerpts from my website blog on the subject, to read it all and find more text and supporting links, check it out here.

Visit my website


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If you find this useful, please repost!


It's really difficult to get used to it.

I don't get used to it - not for this masquerade game, not for an extended period of time - like a train ride.
I used to wear N95 masks for welding, and I also taught mask safety at the Canadian Railway where I worked. As a co-chair of the health&safety committee I was able to convince the company to allow frequent fresh air breaks for workers who had to wear the masks. We knew back then already about back-breathing of CO². I also taught confined space entry, therefore my knowledge about the subject of hypoxia and how dangerous it can be in a oxygen deficient atmosphere.

I've noticed myself that I have to really slow down when wearing a mask outdoors. I feel like I'm going to hyperventilate. Especially when we go on our walks to the Botanical Gardens. I end up going really slow and keeping track of how fast I'm breathing. Otherwise I start to get a panicky feeling.

Hallo Otto! .... Alles gut bei Dir?